A Day in the Life of Josh Potter!

Josh PA day in my life

Condensed into some haikus



Dog lick to the face

Commence everyday at 6

Oatmeal/egg breakfast


Morning class and Times

Yes, I read the newspaper

Laugh 10x by noon


Mark Twain is to books

As I am to Photoshop

I <3 DTP


Take Otto for walk

Multitasking is an art

Duolingo time


Quick lunch on the go

Pick things up and put them down



Internship part-time

Learning stuff while makin’ billz

TJs on way home


Free time in schedule?

Usually two options:

Go hike or go surf


Dog waiting at door

Dinner.. homework.. PS4



*pron. “zee-zee-zee-zee-zee” or “zet-zet-zet-zet-zet” (Brit.)