Guest Lecture for Spring Colloquium: Professor Evan Hillebrand

Mark your calendars: Professor Evan Hillebrand to Guest Lecture for Spring Colloquium on February 3, 6-9pm!

Evan Hillebrand Image

This year’s Global Problems and Solutions Colloquium focuses on Economic Diplomacy and Statecraft. Many influential leaders and practitioners from around the world will be sharing their experiences in this increasingly important topic.

GSIPM is pleased to announce the first Spring Colloquium guest speaker, Professor Evan Hillebrand. During the discussion, participants gain deeper insight on economic sanctions.

Event Details:
Who: Professor Evan Hillebrand
Lecture topic and key considerations:
Economic Sanctions
Do they work? How do we measure it?
If not, why not? What is the alternative?
If they do work, when, where, why, and how?
When: February 3, 6-9pm
Where: McGowan Building, Room 102 at 411 Pierce Street 

Speaker Profile:

Evan Hillebrand is Professor of International Economics and serves as Director of Graduate Studies at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Futures.  He teaches courses in Geopolitical Modeling, Economic Statecraft, Globalization and Energy Security.  Before coming to the Patterson School in 2004, Dr. Hillebrand served over 30 years as an economic analyst and econometric modeler with the Central Intelligence Agency.  He was awarded the Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal.

His research interests include long-term economic growth, global poverty, foreign trade, economic power, and the modeling of political relationships.  He is a collaborator with the International Futures Project at the University of Denver and he has consulted for the National Intelligence Council, the Departments of State and Energy, the United Nations, the European Union and the Shanghai Institute of American Studies. His book, Energy, Economic Growth, and Geopolitical Futures is due out in August, 2014, by MIT Press.

This event is free of charge and open to the public. To RSVP to attend this speaker, please email Erina McWilliam-Lopez at by Friday 1/31/2014.

To learn more about the colloquium, please visit the Colloquium Landing Page.

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