A Day in the Life…

Federica…of Federica Dall’Arche!

My typical Monday morning at MIIS starts at 7 a.m. when, after taking a quick and reinvigorating shower, I run to the kitchen to make my “indispensable” espresso. Two shots and I’m ready to go! My first lecture starts at 8 a.m., which is Counterterrorism with General  Howard. People would think of this as a very sad way to start a new week, since we often talk about death, terrorist attacks, or torture.  But actually, the class is great! In addition, the General always has funny stories to tell us, so the two hours fly by and without even realizing it, it is already 10 a.m…  Ready for my next class: English! Since I am an international student, my second language here at MIIS is English.  Even if I’ve studied English my entire life, I do not mind taking this class. There are always new things to learn when it comes to studying a language! This class is actually turning out to be very beneficial! So far, I learned how to write customized resumes, tailored cover letters, and effective policy memos. Where else could I learn these super crucial things in such deep detail?

When noon arrives it is time for Science and Tech. But first, a quick stop at Plumes for a mocha (the best in town!). Science and Tech is a tough one, but with a lot of patience, determination and my new delicious coffee, the lesson passes by quickly and my understanding of how to build chemical, nuclear and biological weapons keeps increasing more and more! Careful folks!  2 p.m.: Intro to Terrorism time! The best class ever. Maybe because I love history, or maybe because this class provides you with a lot of food for thought, but still, I really really enjoy it! I literally write notes non-stop for 2 hours and… finally, 4 p.m. arrives! I am officially done with classes, at least for today! Now it is time to go home, have a restoring and well-deserved lunch and let the second part of the day start. Two or three days a week I tutor Italian, and Monday is one of those days. From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., I help a lovely lady refresh her Italian vocabulary and learn very crucial sentences like “Scusi, dov’è il bagno?” or “Vorrei una pizza margherita, grazie!”

After that, I go to the library. Before my long day ends, in fact, I still have 3 or 4 hours of work, depending on when the library closes. I really like working there! The people I work with are extremely nice and in addition, working at the library gives me the opportunity to learn where all books are located and to make new friends every single night.

My long Monday day usually ends around midnight or a little later, when I go to bed with the sweet sound of sea lions which helps me fell asleep… That’s my life in Monterey!