Food Drive Update – Day #3

Pocket-Canned-Food-Drive-photoIt’s DAY # 3 of the 10th Annual Campus HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE! 

Thanks to your generosity, we collected 242.0 lbs/109.8kgs on the third day of the Food Drive.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of 55 people that attended Wednesday’s Pancake Breakfast, we raised $135 AND 183 lbs/83 kg  of food donations.

For every $1 raised, the Food Bank can purchase $8 of food from their suppliers, so MIIS students,staff and faculty provided the Food Bank with the buying capacity of $1080!  Way to go!

Total to date:  522 lbs/236.8 kg!

Did You Know?

For the cost of one parking ticket on Van Buren or Pierce, you could buy over 30 cans of tuna at Safeway?  Or more than 20 boxes/bags of pasta?

Great Buys:

Found 2 for $1 cans of vegetables at Longs, and 5lb bags of flour and sugar (2/$4) at Safeway.

Please support the 10-day (that’s 10 BUSINESS DAYS!),  100-lb/45.5kg a day goal from December 2-13.

Cash or cheque donations can also be made (cheques payable to the Food Bank for Monterey County)  by contacting  Leah Gowron at ext. 3558  or Leslie Hayner at ext.8207 for details.  

Thank you for your generous spirit!