…of Anessa Escobar!
Talk about feeling like a fish out of water. Small-town living has been a new experience especially moving from Los Angeles. Then add the element of being a student again having not been in school for almost 10 years. Leaving a fulltime job with health benefits to looking for an apartment in Monterey that allowed pets. Even with all the crazy life adjustments, I feel lucky to be here at Monterey Institute of International Studies studying International Education Management. I appreciate the shorter commutes, and having to drive about 10 minutes to get almost anywhere in Monterey. The beautiful views biking to school down the Monterey Peninsula Recreational Trail. Town living has some benefits.
My typical Monday as an IEM student:
Wake up at 5am. Throw on a warm coat and take my dog Fluffy for walk. Return home from the walk and turn on radio. God knows I need background noise and it’s my only connection to current events, since I rarely watch TV. Prepare a fresh vegetable juice, coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. Hurry up and get ready for 8am International Education Marketing and Recruiting with Jill Stoffers and Meggan Madden. Gotta be alert, prepared and on time…..can’t be late to Jill’s class!
After a class discussion on ROI, cost oriented and demand pricing I have to shift my brain to Spanish. Lista para investigar la desigualdad y exclusión que existe en America Latina. Presentation about la doublé exclusión y maras en El Salvador…..Done!
After a lunch break I head to Comparative and International Education to further discuss our research on our country case studies. I’m currently investigating the educational system in Costa Rica. Mental note: need to continue research in order to develop a comparative research paper and website on this topic.
At 4pm my school day is over. Time to get home and spend time with my furry companion Fluffy. Once I arrive home I am greeted by Fluffy’s warm excitement. Fluffy and I head out for our evening walk. We return home, have dinner and prepare for an evening of research, studying and group projects. Email potential interviewees regarding a qualitative research project for Campus Internationalization regarding the incorporation of underrepresented student populations in international education initiatives at different 4 year institutions. Crossing my fingers for a response.
7:30pm meet in Samson with my budgeting team to discuss our mid-year budget corrections project and develop a presentation for Budgeting class on Tuesday.
9pm arrive home, prepare a cup of coffee ready to unwind, but have more work to do. Need to type up my informational interview for Principles and Practices in International Education. Type up my notes from my interview to help formulate my thoughts.
12:30am after an extremely busy day, I’m ready to call it a night.
Research, readings, group projects and presentations are never-ending for an IEM student. Although life as a graduate student may be challenging, especially while adapting to a new environment, I know it will all pay off in the end.