Moodle 2.4 – Adobe Connect Session for Professors on November 1

imagesProfessors, do you want to customize and maximize your Moodle 2.4 course pages to enhance your students’ learning experience?  For some best practices and useful tips, participate in an Adobe Connect session to build upon your existing knowledge and strengthen your virtual classroom.

In this session, we’ll cover some basic tips and tools regarding course page layout and organization, content distribution, and resource integration.  The session will take place on Friday, November 1st, at 10:00 AM.

How do I Participate?

You do not need to RSVP. To participate, you will need your computer and internet access.

Adobe Connect meeting link:
The presentation will also be recorded so that you may refer back to it later with any questions.

If you have not participated in an Adobe Connect session before, please plan to try to join the session at 9:45am to test your connection.

Computer Set Up


Some helpful resources for Getting Started with Adobe Connect:

In the meantime, feel free to contact DLC graduate assistant, Amy Slay (, with any comments or inquiries.  You may also make an appointment with her at the DLC for one-to-one Moodle support here.

Moodle 2.4 | Enhance Your Students’ Learning Experience | Adobe Connect | Nov 1 | 10:00 – 11:00  

**for professors only