When: Wednesday, May 1, 6:00 – 7:00PM
Where: Irvine Auditorium
The next lecture in the Monterey Institute’s ongoing Sustainability Speaker Series will feature Professor Jim Williams of the International Environmental Policy program. Professor Williams will discuss his recent work shaping climate change, and energy policy in California.
On April 9, Professor Williams gave a talk on his energy and climate change research to a United Nations group chaired by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Professor Williams was invited to speak to the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network about his recent paper in Science, “The Technology Path to Deep Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions by 2050.” Dr. Sachs called the paper by Williams et al “the best single study” on the subject of the long-term transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy, and urged that similar studies be conducted for “every country on the planet in the next two years.”