Introduction of Smart Technology


Smartphones introduce news through notifications.

Illustration Exhibit (5)

Title: Screenshot of News Media Apps. Source: Google Play. Click here for more information on this picture.

The radio and the television were left behind as secondary news sources with the introduction of smartphones. Smartphones have gained immense popularity because of their advanced computing capabilities and other popular features. These new technological forms have existed as early as the late 1990’s, but it wasn’t until Steve Job’s release of the iPhone that smartphones really changed the news consuming game.[1]  Smartphone devices like the Android, the iPhone, Windows Phone and other such devices have become very popular among the American public for social and informative purposes. With the internet at the expense of a portable device, it was easy for Americans to receive instant news update. This is something news outlets like CNN, Fox News, CBS, and even major newspaper medias like the New York Times have taken advantage of to reach new audiences.

[1] “A Brief History of Smartphones,” The Snugg, section goes here, accessed May 15, 2017,

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News through social media?

Title: Tweet from Donald Trump on North Korea. Source: Date of Publication: January 7, 2017. For direct link to site, click here.

It is interesting to consider how social media had taken over our lives to the point where some social media is even used as news updates. Example: our very own President Donald Trump uses Twitter to update the American public on his opinion on world news. This image above describes his take on the ominous nuclear war with North Korea that has taken over the US in 2017. Although Twitter and other social media outlets aren’t the most traditional forms of receiving news, they are effective in attracting many and different audiences, since most people have some form of account on social media. In comparison to the radio and the television, smartphones definitely reach a larger audience more instantly, and even provide more forms of new outlets for people to receive news whether you are right winged, left winged, etc.