The World Wide Web

Access to everything ever said, written, drawn, done that has been recorded can now virtually be accessed everywhere, from almost every corner on Earth on any digital device we own… And we take it less than lightly most of the time. In the new era of communications, file accessing is the main thing that makes the fast-paced life we live even faster, information is open and competition is fierce, and knowledge can be attained in the most convenient form, in the midst of an argument, a debate, a casual chat with any of our friends just by typing in words connected to what we need to know.

People can manipulate with this information in all sorts of fields by just clicking a few buttons, learn when and how to do certain things, from small scale event planning to future business planing (e.g. Facebook events for the former, and something as simple, but huge, as Google*)

This open access to everything that forms us can be seen by everyone, and although it sounds and is scary, it avoids the past nuisance of meeting people, finding places, forming a community of a shared interest or hobby which can reach millions of like-minded people in just a matter of weeks.

I am impressed with the way we can use the Internet and our digital devices, yet at the same time still quite saddened by most of its colloquial and unimportant use. Then again, if everyone is to use everything they own at its maximum capacity, havoc will ensue throughout an entire group, population, nation and worldwide (e.g. WikiLeaks, NSA surveillance leaks, etc.) so people tend to stick with the safe use of most of it, enjoying the easy leisure it provides, since for most of us, it spares much time to use one device for numerous purposes (e.g. Applications for phones, tablets, computers that can deliver any information needed on the palms of our hands from ebooks to movies to social connections); And we love it.

I wrote this post just to skim through some ideas I have of accessibility of information to the way we approach it, and just conclude with the fact that while some people might be chatting their friend from Hong Kong or Australia on the other side of the planet at almost any given time, other people are using and learning SQL, HTML, C++ and many of the rest of programming languages to understand how they can access everything they can, and make it easier and available for all of the rest, who just stick to the surface of its use.

*By using Google for business purposes, I mean the business-oriented applications they have made available, but also the easy-use search engine to find listings, business websites, exchange rates, and anything related to reach a specific business tool or web in a matter of seconds.

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