Venue: Monterey Institute of International Studies
460 Pierce Street Monterey, CA 93940
Rooms for each presentation / session has been uploaded on the Session Schedule page.
【Campus Map】
Entrance to DLC is on Calle Principal but you can also enter from the McGowan building.
Click here to download the campus map!
1) Parking at MIIS (see Campus Map above): Parking at the Institute is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. We will have signs at the entrances to each Institute parking lot identifying as available for the event parking.
2) City Parking : There are three City of Monterey parking lots around MIIS. Parking lot 4 is at the corner of Van Buren and Franklin, parking lot 8 is in front of Casa Fuente (#18 on Campus Map above), and parking lot 7 is across Pacific Street. Lots 4 and 7 have ticket machines. Lot 8 is a partially metered lot. Lots 4 & 8 are on the MIIS Campus Map.
City of Monterey Public Parking Garages and Lots
Map of lots in downtown Monterey (pdf) (City of Monterey)
3) If you are staying at a near-by hotel, you are encouraged to leave your car parked at the hotel and walk the four short blocks to the MIIS campus.