Cultural and Philosophical Roots

Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)

As noted on the History page, Martin Luther had a significant influence on education in Germany in that his reformation movement ultimately lead to the first public schools in Germany.    By identifying literacy as a basic skill for civil society, Luther and his followers helped to set in motion a series of actions that would lead to the establishment of government funded public schools (Source, p.193).


Ernst Christian Trapp (1745 – 1818)

The first professor of eduction in Germany, Trapp played a significant role in the establishment of Germany’s tripartite educational system.  Insisting that teachers should teach to the “average” student in each class, Trapp’s advice is regarded as the basis for Germany’s practice of sorting students into homogeneous groups based on their ability (Source, p. 209).


William Von Humboldt (1767 – 1835)

As noted on the History page, William von Humboldt was the government official charged with rebuilding the Prussian education system in the 19th century.  Heavily influenced by the German Enlightenment, von Humboldt was responsible for establishing the central role of classical languages and the humanities in the gymnasium as well as the research-centric nature of German universities. Von Humboldt was also instrumental in establishing the Abitur as the university entrance test (Source, p. 203)


Georg Kerschensteiner (1854 – 1932)

In stark contrast to von Humboldt, Kerschensteiner’s contribution to the German education system was more practical.  Recognizing the need for highly trained workers, Kerschensteiner sought to combine academics with technical training.  His idea would eventually become know as the “dual system” whereby German students in upper secondary school split their time at school and in an apprenticeship, preparing for their future career (Source, p. 204).



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