Hot Seat: Present Perfect

First arrange all of the chairs in a circle, there should be one less chair than there are students.  One student then stands in the center of the circle while all of the others are sitting around him or her.

The goal for the student standing in the center is to free up a seat so he or she can sit.  In order to do this, he or she makes a sentence using never + the present perfect (“I have never smoked a cigarette.”)  Any student that has done this action must stand up and explain how many times or for how long they have done it (“I have smoke cigarettes for many years.”)

Ideally, multiple people will stand up.  After the last person has stated how long or how many times they have done something, everyone must take a new seat (you cannot sit in your original seat).  The student left without a seat then makes their own sentence and the process is repeated.

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