Week 5 Day 1 Discussion Question 4

Susan Faludi summarizes the backlash against feminism as follows:

Women are unhappy precisely because they are free. Women are enslaved by their own liberation. They have grabbed at the gold ring of independence, only to miss the one ring that really matters. They have gained control of their fertility, only to destroy it. They have pursued their own professional dreams—and lost out on the greatest female adventure. The women’s movement, as we are told time and again, has proved women’s own worst enemy. (2)

As young women in 2022, do you foresee any tension in your adult lives between pursuing a career and living independently, on the one hand, and the possible rewards of couplehood and parenthood, on the other hand?  Alternatively, does the term “feminist” carry any negative connotations for your generation, as it apparently did for many young women coming of age in the 1990s?

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