MIIS Club Policies & Procedures

MIIS Club Policies (notes from the Mandatory New Club meeting)

These policies are applicable to MIISpoken and any other club you are a part of at MIIS!

Budget Basics (presented by Luke Smith)

•    Submit a budget schedule of activities for the year (Fall + Spring)
•    Any money you received is for entire academic year
o    It is our responsibility to stay within our budget.
•    Unused portions of budget money gets returned to general fund
•    Any equipment purchased must be returned to the school for future use
•    We must seek approval before fundraising, seeking revenue, or receiving donations.
•    If you require more funding later in the year you can apply for additional funding
o    Pick up application form at Student Affairs, submit application to Treasurer’s folder.
•    End of the year: an account of activities completed must be submitted.
o    Activities not part of our original budget proposal need approval first!

Forum Funding (a means of getting additional funds for larger community events)
•    Forum events must be open to all students
•    Forum Funding Application available from Student Affairs
o    A representative from club must present to Student Council
•    E-mail Lauren Messing to get on agenda at least 2 days in advance
•    SC meets every 2nd Tuesday from 12-2pm

Club Sponsorship Opportunities
•    Example Happy Hour
•    You don’t have spend money to sponsor an event.
o    Participate/volunteer
o    Pass out flyers
o    Activities
•    For more information contact Christopher Hucke

Policies and Procedures (presented by Gail, Coordinator of Student Services)
•    Purchasing & Reimbursement Procedures
o    Purchases are made out of pocket and reimbursed afterwards
o    Purchases can be made only on approved expenses
o    Reimbursement procedures are posted on the bulletin board in Student Affairs Office
•    Use the pin reimbursement application form
•    Communications & Logistics
o    Room reservations must be made 48 hours in advance through room.reserve@miis.edu. Refer to policy in club packet.
o    If tables/chairs are need fill out a request form (available under Student Info in First Class) and e-mail that information to Marty Goss
o    Please make sure room furniture is returned to its original positions when event has concluded.
o    Flyers, press releases, and other marketing materials must be approved first by Student Affairs before posting/publishing
o    Off-campus events require direct sponsoring by a relevant club, faculty member, in order to make use of MIIS funds

•    Food & beverage policies
o    Official policy: No exchange of money is allowed for alcohol for a MIIS club event
•    Closed events that received advanced approval to serve alcohol can do so.
o    Unofficial policy: To continue MIIS’s environmental sustainability, any food served at events should be 50% plant-based (non-animal product). The remaining 50% is your choice.

For more information contact our Student Services Office at MIIS

Rubber Chicken Poetry Slam every Wednesday

Every Wednesday evening Garland Thompson hosts the Rubber Chicken Poetry Slam & Open Mic at the East Village Coffee Lounge. Sign-ups to participate in the open mic and poetry slam begin at 7:30pm. The program begins with the Open Mic session at 8pm followed by the Poetry Slam competition. Slammers should prepare at least two pieces that are 3 minutes or less. Small cash prizes are available for 1st & 2nd place and the infamous rubber chicken is awarded to the 3rd place in the poetry slam. Come out and support our creative community, get some performance practice, and maybe even win a prize! Audience members who participate as judges for the poetry slam get a free East Village beverage too!

MIISpoken Club Kick-Off

Date: February 15, 2009

Time: 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Samson Center, Monterey Institute of International Studies

Get together to meet each other, share our ideas on how we will make this club fun and productive; and establish a tentative list of events for the semester and how they will be facilitated. Complete our MIIS Spring 2009 club paperwork (elect club representatives, complete club paperwork, etc.). This event is open to members of the MIIS community.