Welcome to International Education Week at MIIS!

IEWWelcome to the celebration of International Education Week at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.  The Office of Student Services is proud to promote this event to the MIIS and Monterey Communities.  International Education week is a global endeavor to foster understanding and acceptance of different cultures–something that the Monterey Institute is dedicated to supporting since its inception.

This year we are working on a lot of new and fun events in honor IEW. They will include a film series, discussion panels, language high lights and more. Don’t forget to checkout the International Education Day schedule as well for information on our community outreach, and how you can help participate.

Here are some quick facts about International Education Week:

  1. First held in the year 2000, International Education Week (IEW) is celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide.
  2. It celebrates the benefits of international exchange and builds support for the continuance of that exchange by encouraging programs that prepare our students to live and work in a global environment.
  3. International cooperation on education has contributed to education reform and education solutions for the U.S. and other nations.
We look forward to seeing you at some of our events. Thank you for celebrating International Education Week with MIIS!


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