J-Term Blues


I don’t know what it is this semester but so far it’s been pretty weird. I wake up every morning tired and linger in bed. I think to myself, 30 more minutes and I will have enough energy to leap out of bed and start my day. This doesn’t happen, though I stay in bed most of the time half awake. I have been having a hard time getting back into the swing of things, but this process has been painful and somewhat unsuccessful. I initially thought it was my jetlag; it took quite a long time to return to decent sleep schedule and yet it has not been the same since before the trip. I still find myself getting tired midday. I’ve talked with fellow trip members and some report feeling similar. I don’t know what this is. Do I have a case of the post J-term blues of some kind? This was not my first trip abroad, let alone to a developing country. I can say that it has been one of the most informative trips by far. Never have I learned so much about a regions social and politically issues.

People around campus along with close friend and family have asked me about my January-term wanting to know what it was like, what I saw, how was the food. Of course those who knew what I was specifically visiting for, asked what was the craziest thing that happened. I have been responding with a question, “how much time do you got” because I find myself thinking how can I possibly encapsulate my experiences in 2 minutes. Most people just want a quick summary, sometimes I give details and other times I just respond with, “it was amazing, one of the coolest things I have ever done bla bla bla…”