Good things come to those who wait

I am experiencing doubt about the topic I originally wanted to research, which is trauma healing. There is so much I want to know but more specifically I would like to know how Filipinos have worked through the psychological and emotional effects of violence, especially when there have been so many incidents of violent conflicts, battles and displacement of citizens. Strangely enough, I have not heard much about the topic with the exception of a couple of buzzwords like social healing, psychosocial healing etc. The times I have tired to inquire about the methods being used I get many of the same responses. One particular person the group visited and spoke with made mention to social healing and how to heal the “psychological wounds of war and conflict”. This person talked about the need to heal the heart and the mind before someone can find peace, but that basic needs must first be met before this process can happen. Sounds like common sense and the natural stages of healing but when I tried to solicit more information about specific practices, I was given a vague answer. It is still the beginning of the trip so I have to remain hopeful despite hearing so little on the matter.