If there is one thing that is a universal sign of joy, it is the good will that is established by exchanging the high five with another person. There is little ambiguity with ones intention when you smile, slap hands with another individual and celebrate the joy of being alive. This, I am pleased to say, was a constant throughout our travels. Be it in the most affluent areas, to the poorest regions of the country, a smile and a high five are welcome and legal tender currency. The most fantastic high five story of the trip would be when we were on our way home and in Guangzhou China. I was really hungry for some food I could recognize and we happened upon a 7/11. It was in that store as I was purchasing some chips and a soda when this local guy came up to me an asked me where I was from. I told him I was from California and his face lit up. He started singing, ” On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair”, I immediately recognized the song and joined in with “Warm smell of colitas, rising up from the air” and we sang! Here we were two knuckleheads, standing together in the middle of the night singing the Eagles Hotel California, and I will never forget it. The smile and high five we exchanged after singing that impromptu rendition in the 7/11 is something I will carry with me forever. Joy has a contagious effect.. This picture is from the Bual School of Peace