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5-Year Institute Strategy Overview Grid

Strategic Initiatives AY 2021-22 Fall 2022 (In Progress) May 2023 (Planned) Five-Year Goals (2027)
Refocus and Redesign our Programs
  • Initial market research by Eduvantis
  • Finalize ‘Institute of the Future’ focus areas (with support from Eduvantis)*
  • Design New TI Curriculum for fall 2024 implementation*
  • Hire 3-5 faculty by spring 2023 (for fall 2023 start)*
  • Decision on programmatic mix under three focus areas to begin recruitment in fall 2023
  • TI curricular transformation implemented
  • Foundational cross-programmatic in-demand programs in place aligned with employer and student needs
Expand Online Offerings and Reach
  • Assessment of online market opportunities for current programs by Trestle Bridge
  • Define immediate next steps for expanding online programs at scale*
  • Select & begin working with external OPM partner
  • Launched online MAIEM and MATESOL
  • Modular version of one degree (TLM) program ready for AY24 launch at latest
  • Redesign, market 3 current online programs with partner’s help
  • Begin marketing new online programs for fall 2023 launch
  • 5-8 large-scale online programs (e.g. 50-75 new starts/pgm/yr)
  • Low-residency options for some on-ground programs
Leverage Cross-Middlebury Academic Assets
  • Launched California Climate Semester in spring 2022
  • Launched English Language School in Monterey in summer 2022
  • Launch improved Climate Semester for spring 2023 (12 students, higher satisfaction)
  • Market Improved Security Semester for AY24 (12 students, higher satisfaction)
  • Welcome revised roster of summer 2023 programs
  • Ready Language Education Semester for fall 2023 launch
  • 75 undergraduates/ semester @ MIIS
  • Make 4+1 pathway work for on-ground, low-residency & online MA’s
  • Consolidated Language Teaching MA’s
Expand Non-degree Offerings for Professionals  
  • Launch “Canvas Catalog” pilot (short asynchronous content available for retail purchase)
  • Delivered competency-based education workshops in collaboration with DLINQ
  • Two microcredentials (a/v localization and financial crimes) ready for AY24 launch at latest
  • Two more microcredentials identified for development in AY24
  • Vibrant employer partnerships for short offerings
  • Majority of degree offerings can be taken in stackable format
Implement Change / Drive Innovation
  • From 2 graduate schools to 1 Institute
  • Academic leadership reorganization
  • Define and standardize course instruction modes
  • Improve and streamline curricular review process
  • Update faculty evaluation systems
  • Identify & plan recruitment of new talent needed
  • A motivated, diverse, satisfied, and multifaceted workforce

* These points draw from the Institute Council Fall 2022 OKRs