Home » Institute Council FA23 (Q1/2) Objectives & Key Results

Institute Council FA23 (Q1/2) Objectives & Key Results

New Offerings

  • Online MPA in Sustainability: Develop and launch new online MPA with a sustainability focus in January 2024 (Patricia Szasz)
    • Submit curriculum for review by September 22, 2023 (with goal of receiving approval by October 2023)
    • Complete development of 3-4 additional courses by December 15, 2023 (for a total of 5-6 completed courses)
    • Confirm launch of January cohort by October 1, 2023
    • Enroll 8-12 students in January cohort by December 15, 2023
  • Online Cybersecurity MA Program: Develop and launch new online cybersecurity MA program in January 2025 (Patricia Szasz)
    • Launch hiring process for cybersecurity faculty in July 2023 with goal of completing process by December 2023 (for Fall 2024 start)

Online Infrastructure

  • OPM Project Management: Finalize contract and prepare for transition of existing online programs to OPM management by Fall 2024 (Patricia Szasz)
    • Finalize OPM contract and sign by September 1, 2023
    • Develop integrated student life cycle with Institute and Wiley resources by December 2023
    • Connect faculty from existing online programs with Wiley to establish criteria for transition to OPM management by December 2023
  • Online Structure & Processes: Develop organizational structure and additional systems to support orderly and efficient delivery of online programs by June 2024 (Patricia Szasz)
    • Finalize course development agreements for regular and adjunct faculty by September 2023
    • Receive board approval for new online program academic calendar in October 2023 (to go into effect Summer 2024)
    • Publish online policy handbook by December 2023
    • Establish approved FY25 budget for online entity by December 2023 

Existing Program Opportunities

  • Reconfigured T&I programs: Implement initial revisions to TI structure and curriculum for Fall 2024, with full changes implemented for Fall 2025. (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)
    • Submit phased plan for curricular change by late Fall 2023 for review/approval in Spring 2024
  • Nonproliferation & Terrorism Studies Program Revisions: Develop an umbrella security program with a set of key specializations/tracks by Fall 2024. (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)
    • Gather market data to inform rebranding and curricular changes by October 1, 2023
    • Deliver proposed changes to the degree map to APSIC and key stakeholders by December 2023

Faculty Governance

  • Faculty Evaluation: Introduce a new process with improved workflow for contract renewal, promotions, sabbaticals, and annual review by June 2024 (Laura Burian)
    • Draft proposal which differentiates criteria for contract renewal and promotion shared with key collaborators by October 1, 2023
    • Receive input and approval to move forward with draft proposal from Program Chairs and Faculty Senate by October 15, 2023
    • Complete fair process engagement process to gather feedback from faculty and other key stakeholders by December 15, 2023
  • Faculty Salaries: Build a new faculty salary structure (for regular and adjunct faculty) with updated ranges by June 2024 (Laura Burian)
    • Design process for establishing new structure with HR and Provost Office by October 1, 2023
    • Additional KRs forthcoming based on process design