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Institute Leadership Group 2.15.24


  • Board Report-Out: Institute Board of Advisors & Board of Trustees
  • Diverse Organization Impact and Transformation (DOIT) Survey


  • Board Report-Out: Institute Board of Advisors & Board of Trustees (Hannah Ross)
    • The Board of Trustees had a great set of meetings in Vermont last week.
    • Meetings Included:
      • Opening meeting dedicated to discussing languages across Middlebury, led by Laurie, Michelle and Steve.
      • Standing Committee meetings (these are listed here).
      • Professional development with the trustees
        • This is an annual session. The topic this year was student mental health.
      • In the President’s report there was an advancement presentation and discussion and some other administrative updates.
      • The board also conducted regular business, including approving the undergraduate comprehensive fee, our auditors, etc
      • We have had 10 years in this new governance structure and are currently conducting a board survey to check in on how things are working in this structure.
      • The meeting concluded with motions and executive session, and the meeting generally seemed to go very well with great questions and engagement.
    • There will be a high-level summary coming through a communication from the VPAAs office. This communication will include notes from the finance update, including the Institute deficit. We want to center transparency in this conversation, along with confidence in our business plan and efforts currently underway. We also understand that our investment in the business plan will take some time to impact our revenue.
  • Diverse Organization Impact and Transformation (DOIT) Survey (Nick Creary)
    • The top recommendation from the DEI Task Force report was to conduct a campus climate assessment, and Nick is working with Khuram to identify and develop a survey mechanism.
    • The DOIT survey was started by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, one of the main journals in the DEI world. Nick has gone through the past iterations of the survey, and is hoping for help adapting the instrument to make it more MIIS-specific.
    • The ILG reviewed a sample DOIT survey to provide input on potential questions and assessment needs.
    • We want to get student input and perspective on this work, and understand the type of questions we should be asking students to understand their experience with the climate on campus.
    • Nick will also be connecting with program chairs and departments to understand needs, and there also could be an opportunity to connect with the faculty senate and staff advisory team on this work.
    • The DOIT certification itself can lead to schools being highlighted for this work, and could have a significant impact. It may take us a while to achieve certification, but the survey inventory gives us a starting place for this work. It would be exciting to get to a place where we could apply for this certification in a couple years and have a pathway to achieve it.
    • We have some data from the Student Council DEI survey in SP22 that could help establish the baseline.
    • People are welcome to reach out to Nick Creary with input or further questions.

VPAA Update 2.5.24

Highlights from the Institute Board of Advisors Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

It was wonderful to see the incredible energy on campus at the start of the semester – before I had to head back to Vermont – and thank you for the warm welcome from so many of you at the lunch on Tuesday. You made me feel very much part of your community.

On January 26 & 27, we hosted the Institute Board of Advisors (IBA) on campus for two days of meetings with administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The IBA serves as an advisory committee under the Middlebury Board of Trustees. The January meeting is primarily an opportunity for them to hear updates on the implementation of our business plan and to connect with our campus.

They left inspired by the work all of you are doing on the issues of our day and impressed with our incredible students, as always. 


  • A thought-provoking presentation about how artificial intelligence is affecting different fields and opportunities we’re pursuing featuring:
    • Bill Potter, CNS Founding Director
    • Carles Andreu, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Spanish Translation
    • Thor Sawin, Associate Dean of Language Schools
  • A roundtable with students who are working with CNS, CTEC, and CBE 
  • An update on our online expansion from Patricia Szasz
  • A visit to the new mural and street art on Pierce Street 
  • Dinner with undergraduates in the California Coast and Climate semester

Thank you to Sharad Joshi, Landry Dohou Bi, and Jill Stoffers for joining the meeting as our faculty, student, and staff constituent members of the IBA.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Steve Snyder

Interim VPAA

Institute Leadership Group 2.1.24


Institute Council Spring 2024 (Q3/4) Objectives & Key Results


The Institute Council uses the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) framework to structure their work and priorities for the semester. The Institute Leadership Group was invited to review the draft Spring 2024 objectives and provide feedback and comments using the silent meeting format.

The finalized version is available here: Spring 2024 (Q3/4) Objectives & Key Results

VPAA Update 1.22.24

Kicking Off the Semester Together

Dear MIIS Colleagues:

I can’t tell you how exciting it has been to be on the ground here in Monterey for the past two weeks. I want to thank those of you I’ve had the chance to meet with for making time and for helping me better understand the amazing work being done here. Thank you for giving me a warm welcome, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet with many more of you in the coming weeks.

While JDJ is on sabbatical, Provost Michelle McCauley and I are working closely together and coordinating to ensure that we are on campus as much as possible.  When I’m not in Monterey, I am always available for Zoom meetings. Barbara Burke has been kind enough to take over my schedule for the duration, so please feel free to be in touch with her about finding time to meet.

Michelle and I will continue to focus on:

  • Revitalizing our in-person programs, including updating our Translation and Interpretation program and restructuring our NPTS degree offerings
  • Expanding new online programs

I will also be working on deepening collaboration across our language programs at the College, Language Schools, Schools Abroad, and the Institute. I’m particularly excited to work with Thor Sawin and our TESOL, TFL, and TI faculty on this project, which we’re dubbing Language Cooperation Across Middlebury. I look forward to your input and collaboration on this and other projects this spring.

Finally, I encourage all of you to attend Welcome Week events, especially the opening breakfast and closing reception (details are in Ashley’s email below). Thank you for putting in so much work to warmly welcome students and prepare for a great semester of learning and growing.

I hope to see many of you at the lunch gathering with Michelle at the Holland Center on Tuesday, January 30, from 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Don’t forget to RSVP here to attend by this Thursday, January 25.

All the best,

Steve Snyder

Interim VPAA

Institute Leadership Group 1.18.24


  • Institute Board of Advisors: Agenda Preview (Hannah Ross)
  • ILG Meeting Feedback (All)

Institute Board of Advisors: Agenda Preview (Hannah Ross)

  • Reference: Middlebury Governance Structure, Middlebury Board or Trustees, Middlebury Institute Board of Advisors
  • The Institute Board of Advisors (IBA) will meet in Monterey next Friday, January 26, and Saturday, January 27. 
  • The boards of advisors (Schools, College, Institute) meet with the Board of Trustees during the October and May meetings, and then meet off-cycle on their respective campuses when programs are in session. 
  • Schedule Preview
    • Friday (full day):
      • Update on Middlebury Institute Online
      • How AI is being incorporated into the MIIS curriculum
      • Meetings with Staff Advisory Team, Faculty Senate, and student representatives
      • Round-table with students from CTEC, CNS, and CBE
      • Dinner with California Climate Semester students.
    • Saturday (half day):
      • Enrollment and marketing update
      • Advancement and grant activity update
      • Conversation about language cooperation across Middlebury
  • Q&A Notes:
    • Will there be any voting at this meeting?
      • No, this meeting is off-cycle for tuition, budget-setting, contract recommendations, etc.
    • Does the IBA have decision-making authority?
      • All of the advisory boards serve in an advisory capacity and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees which is the ultimate governance actor and decision-maker.
    • Do the boards overlap with one another?
      • Members of the Board of Trustees are each assigned to a standing committee (Resources, Strategy & Programs, Trusteeship & Governance, Risk, External Relations, etc.) and a board of advisors (Institute, College, Schools). There is a helpful graphic of the governance structure here.
    • Do the various boards have standing committees on DEI and how do those boards ensure there is a thread of diversity represented?
      • There is a board committee on DEI and Khuram Hussain is the senior administrative officer. There is significant overlap between this committee and the trusteeship and governance committee, which informs the thinking around diversity across the boards.
  • Board of Trustees Agenda Preview
    • The winter Board of Trustees meeting is typically shorter than the May/October meetings and includes professional development. This session will focus on current issues around student mental health.
    • Other topics will include language cooperation across Middlebury, a financial update, advancement update, and College tuition discussion.

ILG Meeting Feedback (Hannah Ross)

  • There will be an opportunity for ILG members to provide input on meeting cadence and content through a survey.
  • Want to be thoughtful about how we are using our meeting time. We also recognize there are other groups that have been introduced over the last several years (Institute Council, Student Experience Team, Leadership Alliance) and think it is good timing to check in with this group and invite recommendations to ensure these meetings continue to add unique value.
  • This is seen as an important space for Institute-level communication and coordination.

VPAA Update 12.19.23

Wrapping Up as I Start my Sabbatical

Dear Colleagues,

I look forward to seeing many of you at the holiday party this afternoon.

I am headed out on sabbatical at the close of this semester, returning September 1. The Institute is in capable hands with Steve Snyder serving as interim VPAA and Provost Michelle McCauley also taking on some of my responsibilities. 

Don’t forget that faculty and staff are invited to join Steve and Michelle for a casual lunch gathering in the Holland Center on Tuesday, January 30, at 12:15PM in the Holland Center.

Who to contact during my absence

Several individuals can serve as first point of contact for inquiries around these areas:

  • Institute Operations & Office of the VPAA: Barbara Burke
  • On-site Programs: Daniel Chatham
  • Online Programs: Patricia Szasz
  • Faculty: Laura Burian
  • Staff: Michael Ulibarri or Hannah Ross
  • Students: Ashley Arrocha
  • Non-degree Programs: Alicia Brent
  • Grants: Meghan Rasmussen

As needed, primary contacts will engage with the interim VPAA and Provost for decisions and strategic direction. All calendar requests for Steve Snyder should go to Barbara Burke. Calendar requests for Michelle McCauley should go to Erin Southworth.

Thank you so much to all of you for making the Middlebury Institute what it is. I wish all of you rest and plenty of merriment with the people you love over the holiday break.

Take care,


VPAA Update 12.13.23

Progress on Online Programs

Dear Colleagues,

I’m excited to say that we’ve made great progress on expanding our online programs this past fall. This work is critical to the future of the Institute, allowing us to reach new students and expand accessibility.

Patricia Szasz is now leading this effort in her new role of Dean of Middlebury Institute Online, a new unit within the Institute to house and organize all of our online programs.

  • The Online MPA in Sustainability kicks off on January 8. Seven courses have been developed and three more are in progress. Faculty contributors Maha Baimyraeza and Lyuba Zarsky have done incredible work to recruit top instructors from the sustainability sector, including many MIIS alumni.
  • The next launch will be a 30-credit Online MA in Localization Project Management. This re-envisioned program will replace our current online advanced entry Translation and Localization Management degree, for which we’ve stopped admitting students.
  • This will be followed by an Online MS in Cybersecurity for spring 2025. We are in the final stages of hiring a program director to lead the program design process in collaboration with DLINQ.
  • We have a 10-year master services agreement in place with an online program management company through which we’ll launch up to 10 new online programs. The initial phase will include degrees in analytics, organizational leadership and educational leadership, which we will start developing next year.
  • We’ve put essential infrastructure in place, including policies, an academic calendar and course catalog specific to online programs, as well as setting new competitive tuition rates of $850/credit for online programs. An online program budget is also in development.
  • We’re hiring for a program manager to provide program coordination and administration – please spread the word. 

Thank you to the many faculty and staff both in Monterey and Vermont who have been working hard to make this happen. It’s truly been a team effort to bring us to this point. I’m excited to see the vision for the future of the Institute moving into implementation.


Institute Leadership Group 12.7.23


  • Upcoming VPAA Sabbatical & Interim Leadership Support
  • OKR Progress Report
  • End-of-Semester/Holiday updates

Upcoming VPAA Sabbatical & Interim Leadership Support (Michelle McCauley)

  • Michelle and Steve will both be in Monterey frequently during the semester
  • We are working hard to allow for a smooth transition, but also recognize that it will be a time of learning
  • We will be sending out a message introducing Steve Snyder to the MIIS community before the end of the semester to give a greater sense of his role as head of the Language Schools and deep background in language. He will be stepping away from his Language Schools VPAA/Dean role as of Jan 1 to support this interim role (Carlos Velez will be stepping in as the Language Schools VPAA, and Tim Page will be stepping into Language Schools Dean role)
  • Jeff has been helping develop an interim communication plan, and Michelle and Steve will be working closely with primary contacts to understand communication needs and opportunities.
  • Michelle and Steve will be working together to cover meetings and other responsibilities that fall under the Institute VPAA purview. Barbara Burke will be managing Steve Snyder’s calendar, and Erin Southworth will continue to manage Michelle McCauley’s calendar. Please contact Barbara and Erin for calendaring needs.
  • We will be hosting a student town hall in February as well as a faculty/staff town hall. Michelle and Steve will both be present for these meetings. The student town hall will touch on the process to restructure our student governance.

Objectives & Key Results Progress Report (Institute Council)

  • The Council presents draft objectives and key results (OKRs) to the ILG every semester, and then as we near the end of the semester, we provide an update on how we have or have not met these targets.
  • The FA23 (Q1/2) OKRs are listed here: https://sites.middlebury.edu/miis-info/institute-council-fa23-q1-2-objectives-key-results/
  • New Programs
    • The online MPA in sustainability was reviewed with feedback from APSIC and other stakeholders, approval went out on 12.6.23. We are on track with nine courses developed, and three more scheduled for spring. We are still taking applications as people tend to enroll later for online programs. We have three deposited students, others in the pipeline, and hope to hit at least five for this first cohort. We will have three intakes per year. 
    • The Online Cybersecurity program will be an MS, not a MA. Hoping to launch 2025. We have identified a small team of subject matter experts. Have identified a program director (a part-time role), design of program will kick off in early January. Related to hiring of an on-ground cybersecurity faculty member, who will be working in alignment with the online MS, but will have their own on-ground responsibilities. 
  • Online infrastructure
    • We have signed with Wiley to support marketing, enrollment, and student retention and are integrating their operations with CACS, SFS, etc. to make it a seamless experience for online students. TESOL/TFL and IEM will not move to be part of the Wiley online program portfolio at this point, but we are moving forward and will continue to support these programs internally.
    • The online program calendar is a 7 week session model: Spring A/ B, Summer A/B, Fall A/B
    • All of this will fall under the umbrella of “Middlebury Institute Online” and Patricia is working with Much on how this will look on the website so policies, calendar, etc. are all easily accessible.
    • We’ve had incredible support from folks in IT, SFS, HR, Records, DLINQ, Toni Thomas, and more. Thanks to them.
  • Existing Programs
    • The TI curricular change and NPTS rebranding initiatives are both moving forward incrementally and we are hoping to have concrete proposals in the spring.
    • TI curricular changes will come in two rounds with some changes implemented this fall and others taking effect in the following academic year. The curricular changes will aim to improve enrollments and adapt the curriculum to changes in the industry. 
    • NPTS faculty are continuing to work on the naming convention for the program and the different degrees that should be a part of it. Planning to put forward a revised proposal for final vote by mid-January. 
    • We are also hoping to implement project management software to support this type of initiative and help systematize the work.
  • Faculty Governance
    • Completing the process to hire a new Cybersecurity faculty member. The final candidates were very well-received, and we are excited to see one of them come into this position. Gratitude to Philipp Bleek and the other members of the hiring committee for all of their hard work.
    • The faculty governance OKRs are behind schedule, but we will be adjusting deadlines and continuing progress in the spring semester.

End-of-Semester and Holiday Updates (Hannah Ross)

  • The next BIPOC speaker series event on “You’re on Native Land, So Now What?” is today at 12:30 in MG102 and on Zoom
  • We look forward to seeing everyone at Commencement this weekend, please join if you are able.
  • Please stop by office services or connect with Naomi Braswell to support our giving tree by making a contribution or picking up a gift tag.
  • The faculty and staff holiday gathering will be on Tuesday, December 19th, at 3:30pm.
  • Thursday, December 22, has been added as a Middlebury holiday, enjoy the extended break!

VPAA Update 11.30.23

Updates from the Middlebury Board Meeting

Dear Colleagues:

I wanted to provide some highlights specific to MIIS from the recent Middlebury Board of Trustees meeting, in addition to the news story that went out Tuesday.

The board explored the academic and operational implications of AI. A project of our own Dan Chatham was highlighted, in which he’s creating a ChatGPT simulation for one of his IEM classes.

Kenshin Cho ‘20, a student at Columbia Law School, was named to the Middlebury board as the new young alumni representative. We’re proud to say that he was a summer intern at CNS.

Campaign Launch

The campaign officially launched with $343M already raised towards the $600M goal. 

  • Notably, this includes the largest estate gift in Middlebury history – $38M from a member of the College class of 1955 who was a language interpreter – English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
  • There have been $25M in commitments to MIIS, 38 percent from foundations and the rest split fairly evenly between estates, parents, friends, and trustees.
  • Save the date for the San Francisco campaign launch event on March 28 at the Salesforce tower, which will be open to all. 

2024-25 Tuition Increase

As we continue to expand our online programs and further invest in our in-person programs, we are creating clearer, differentiated structures for each. One important step is that starting in the 2024-25 school year, we are setting different rates for our in-person and our online programs. These are aligned with the associated costs of running these programs, the competitive landscape, and industry best practices. 

The board approved these adjustments to tuition fees for the 2024-25 AY:

  • In-person fees (including blended synchronous):
    • Comp fee: $24,092/semester (3.5% increase; Middlebury Institute and partner scholarships available) 
    • Part-time fee: $2,008/credit (This is equal to the comprehensive fee divided by 12, which is the minimum number of credits to be considered full-time; Middlebury Institute and partner scholarships available) 
  • NEW: Online fee:
    • $850/credit (No Middlebury Institute and partner scholarships available. However, students benefit from the more affordable rate and are encouraged to continue working while they study.)
    • Will apply to all asynchronous online programs: IEM, TLM, MPA in Sustainability, TESOL
  • Student fees: No change
    • Activity fee: $85/semester (covers professional development, workshops, student clubs, emergency funding, MIcommunity etc)
    • Resources fee: $150/semester (covers TimelyCare)
  • Munras Residence Hall: 3.25% increase

Updates to the Institute Board of Advisors

The Institute Board of Advisors (IBA) met on Friday.

  • I presented updates on the MIIS business plan and shared that we have officially signed our contract with Wiley to expand online programs. Wiley is in the process of selling its online division to Academic Partnerships.
  • Our constituent representatives present at the meeting were Sharad Joshi (faculty), Jill Stoffers (staff) and Landry Dohou Bi(student).

I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving and enjoyed some well-earned time off.

Jeff Dayton-Johnson

VPAA Update 10.16.23

Take Care of Yourselves

Dear MIIS Community:

My message will be short this week because there are really no words that can do justice to the suffering and loss of life in Israel and Palestine this past week.

We are a diverse community, but what unites us is our commitment to advancing a more peaceful world. This week reminds us both of the urgency of that work and how much there is to do.

I’m reflecting back on spring commencement where our keynote speaker was Dr. Maroshek-Klarman, leader of the Adam Institute for Democracy & Peace in Jerusalem, which promotes mutual respect, tolerance, and coexistence across religions, ethnicities, and nationalities.

“If you want a different world, be that change,” is what she told our graduates.

I sometimes feel despair reading the news, but when I see the work all of you are doing, it gives me tremendous hope – and, equally important, you inspire me to act in the service of a more just world.

Please take good care of yourselves and each other. I hope all of you get some time to rest and connect with people you care about.

Jeff Dayton-Johnson

Vice President for Academic Affairs


Following are resources that are always available:

For students: Our Student Services teamTimelyCare, and JEDI Officer Nick Creary, are ready to provide support for any students. 

For staff and faculty: The Employee and Family Assistance Program, 866-660-9533 (company code: Middlebury College), is available 24/7 for faculty and staff and their immediate family members, and those residing in their homes.