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Institute Leadership Group 11.28.18

Institute Board of Overseers Meeting

  • Overall, the November Institute Board of Overseers meeting was very well-received by our board members. The board especially appreciated the opportunity to connect candidly with students, faculty, and staff in a variety of formats.
  • Some of the key areas of interest that emerged from the meeting were a renewed sense of urgency around housing for students and a desire to look more closely at our program duration as compared to our competitors.

TESOL-TFL Faculty Proposal for Online Capstone Courses (Guest: Kathi Bailey)

  • The TESOL and TFL programs are proposing a change in their delivery system and schedule that would likely launch in Summer 2020.
  • Proposal: These programs are typically 3-semester programs (Fall, Spring, Fall). In the final semester (Fall) most students take their capstone courses. The program typically offers two sections of the capstone courses each fall, and the proposal puts forward the idea that one section of the practicum capstone and applied linguistics capstone would be offered online over the summer.
  • Potential Advantages: This new timeline could be a draw for new audiences, improve the graduation timing for students entering their careers with the new academic year, allow students to access a greater variety of practicum opportunities, and help address concerns around the cost of living in Monterey.
  • Next Steps: The next step will be for the proposal to be reviewed further by the Institute Council.

Faculty Workforce Planning

  • The Faculty Workforce Planning Team (Laura Burian, Fernando DePaolis, Beryl Levinger, Thor Sawin, Gabriel Guillen) has been charged with developing a process that can be used to achieve a reduction in the faculty compensation budget.
  • This group is not charged with making decisions about which programs or faculty will be impacted or developing any details of the separation plans, but strictly making process recommendations to the Institute Council.
  • The group is working to develop metrics and identify data that might be used to analyze our current program and faculty distribution, and determine how program chairs might review and share input on this data, before the information is delivered to the Institute Council.
  • The group is also working to gather feedback from faculty, identify where additional considerations need to be made, and determine what additional data might be important when making any final decisions.
  • The Institute Council would then use this data to inform their decisions about how to move forward. The faculty process will not be on the exact same timeline as staff, but we will be aiming to make decisions early in the calendar year.