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Institute Leadership Group 2.6.19

Language Policy Framework — JDJ previewed the new language policy guidelines, which were released to the community immediately after the meeting.  Preceding this meeting, the Council convened the Language Faculty and the members of the Senate for a similar preview.  

Key points of discussion:

  • Importance of marketing, and how well we deliver a nuanced message about the role of languages at MIIS.
  • Focus will likely shift to 300+ level.
  • There needs to be a  great deal of discussion among LS and degree program faculty and students, identifying the subsection of expressed needs that we have the capacity to meet in the most innovative ways possible.
  • More focus on expanding the range of degree-related content in higher level language classes (within resource constraints).
  • We should avail ourselves of other resources, such as schools abroad.
  • We have an opportunity to create a set of offerings that are truly consultative and “cool” — something innovative that no one else is doing.
  • A currency that is abundant right now (when dollars aren’t) is course releases – allows us to offer some incentives to build new curriculum.
  • Will SILP shrink? Patricia notes that SILP is usually 50% MIIS degree students, many of whom now need to take SILP to be admitted. This may change, but Jason Martel is interested in SILP being whatever it needs to be… can be a partner and resource in crafting the best strategy for meeting student language needs.
  • As faculty develop proposals for review, it would be useful to include how this is a value proposition to prospective students/how it makes us distinctive. Marketing will then have guidance as to why we believe this is good.
  • Please feel free to ask questions about the new language guidelines via this form, which we will use to generate an FAQ.

Work Force Planning

  • Review of steps taken to communicate with staff.
  • Discussion of issues that have accelerated our original plan for communicating about Faculty WFP.
  • Introduction of Associate Status for faculty, which provides another option for eligible faculty who wish to teach half time for one, two or three years prior to retirement.

Student Council Report

  • Student Council is organizing an open meeting with JDJ on the new language policy (Feb 26).
  • There will be another forum later for students to ask questions about budgets, WFP, etc.
  • Conversation with Pushpa about collaborating on diversity touched on recruiting for leadership positions from our many communities, and engaging international students via a peer mentoring program
  • Planning an ice cream social to create more GSTILE and GSIPM interaction.

Faculty Senate Report

  • Retreat to plan the work of the semester, included a discussion with Council on language guidelines, work force planning, and a philosophical statement on faculty governance that Council later approved.
  • Faculty Assembly because so much communication is happening — will wait until people have figured out what they think. Now scheduled for Feb 19.
  • Work on the Faculty Handbook continues, with each Senator reviewing a couple of sections. There will be an effort to distinguish better between principles, policies and processes.
  • There is also the need to develop rubrics for evaluation that can be incorporated into faculty 180.