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VPAA Update 4.17.24

Update on the Dean of Faculty Selection Process

Dear MIIS Colleagues,

We write today with an update on the Dean of Faculty selection process. As we shared with you earlier this semester, Laura Burian will be stepping down from her role as the Dean of Teaching, Learning, and Faculty Development at the end of June. We began an internal search to select a new Dean of Faculty in January, and we want to thank those who submitted nominations and the candidates who interviewed for the Dean of Faculty position. We had an amazing group of qualified colleagues lean in to support MIIS. 

After careful deliberation, we have decided not to hire a new Dean of Faculty for the upcoming year. This decision is based entirely upon our current fiscal challenges, and in no way reflects on the truly excellent quality of the candidate pool. 

Instead of appointing a new dean, VPAA Jeff Dayton-Johnson will take on some of the essential work of this role when he returns from his sabbatical on September 1, 2024. Jeff, who has been an invaluable leader for the Institute, has generously offered to assume these additional duties as we move to address the $8 million budget deficit, meet enrollment targets, and foster a vibrant campus.

To make this possible, we will be significantly streamlining some processes including those around faculty review and promotion. We will be in touch with all program directors and faculty who will be under review to detail what these changes will mean, but we do not expect them to have a noticeable impact.

We are truly grateful to Laura for her six years of extraordinary service as a Dean at the Institute, and we deeply appreciate Jeff for taking on these additional responsibilities as we address the current challenges.


Michelle McCauley

Provost & Executive Vice President

Stephen Snyder

Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs for the Institute