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Institute Leadership Group 12.7.23


  • Upcoming VPAA Sabbatical & Interim Leadership Support
  • OKR Progress Report
  • End-of-Semester/Holiday updates

Upcoming VPAA Sabbatical & Interim Leadership Support (Michelle McCauley)

  • Michelle and Steve will both be in Monterey frequently during the semester
  • We are working hard to allow for a smooth transition, but also recognize that it will be a time of learning
  • We will be sending out a message introducing Steve Snyder to the MIIS community before the end of the semester to give a greater sense of his role as head of the Language Schools and deep background in language. He will be stepping away from his Language Schools VPAA/Dean role as of Jan 1 to support this interim role (Carlos Velez will be stepping in as the Language Schools VPAA, and Tim Page will be stepping into Language Schools Dean role)
  • Jeff has been helping develop an interim communication plan, and Michelle and Steve will be working closely with primary contacts to understand communication needs and opportunities.
  • Michelle and Steve will be working together to cover meetings and other responsibilities that fall under the Institute VPAA purview. Barbara Burke will be managing Steve Snyder’s calendar, and Erin Southworth will continue to manage Michelle McCauley’s calendar. Please contact Barbara and Erin for calendaring needs.
  • We will be hosting a student town hall in February as well as a faculty/staff town hall. Michelle and Steve will both be present for these meetings. The student town hall will touch on the process to restructure our student governance.

Objectives & Key Results Progress Report (Institute Council)

  • The Council presents draft objectives and key results (OKRs) to the ILG every semester, and then as we near the end of the semester, we provide an update on how we have or have not met these targets.
  • The FA23 (Q1/2) OKRs are listed here: https://sites.middlebury.edu/miis-info/institute-council-fa23-q1-2-objectives-key-results/
  • New Programs
    • The online MPA in sustainability was reviewed with feedback from APSIC and other stakeholders, approval went out on 12.6.23. We are on track with nine courses developed, and three more scheduled for spring. We are still taking applications as people tend to enroll later for online programs. We have three deposited students, others in the pipeline, and hope to hit at least five for this first cohort. We will have three intakes per year. 
    • The Online Cybersecurity program will be an MS, not a MA. Hoping to launch 2025. We have identified a small team of subject matter experts. Have identified a program director (a part-time role), design of program will kick off in early January. Related to hiring of an on-ground cybersecurity faculty member, who will be working in alignment with the online MS, but will have their own on-ground responsibilities. 
  • Online infrastructure
    • We have signed with Wiley to support marketing, enrollment, and student retention and are integrating their operations with CACS, SFS, etc. to make it a seamless experience for online students. TESOL/TFL and IEM will not move to be part of the Wiley online program portfolio at this point, but we are moving forward and will continue to support these programs internally.
    • The online program calendar is a 7 week session model: Spring A/ B, Summer A/B, Fall A/B
    • All of this will fall under the umbrella of “Middlebury Institute Online” and Patricia is working with Much on how this will look on the website so policies, calendar, etc. are all easily accessible.
    • We’ve had incredible support from folks in IT, SFS, HR, Records, DLINQ, Toni Thomas, and more. Thanks to them.
  • Existing Programs
    • The TI curricular change and NPTS rebranding initiatives are both moving forward incrementally and we are hoping to have concrete proposals in the spring.
    • TI curricular changes will come in two rounds with some changes implemented this fall and others taking effect in the following academic year. The curricular changes will aim to improve enrollments and adapt the curriculum to changes in the industry. 
    • NPTS faculty are continuing to work on the naming convention for the program and the different degrees that should be a part of it. Planning to put forward a revised proposal for final vote by mid-January. 
    • We are also hoping to implement project management software to support this type of initiative and help systematize the work.
  • Faculty Governance
    • Completing the process to hire a new Cybersecurity faculty member. The final candidates were very well-received, and we are excited to see one of them come into this position. Gratitude to Philipp Bleek and the other members of the hiring committee for all of their hard work.
    • The faculty governance OKRs are behind schedule, but we will be adjusting deadlines and continuing progress in the spring semester.

End-of-Semester and Holiday Updates (Hannah Ross)

  • The next BIPOC speaker series event on “You’re on Native Land, So Now What?” is today at 12:30 in MG102 and on Zoom
  • We look forward to seeing everyone at Commencement this weekend, please join if you are able.
  • Please stop by office services or connect with Naomi Braswell to support our giving tree by making a contribution or picking up a gift tag.
  • The faculty and staff holiday gathering will be on Tuesday, December 19th, at 3:30pm.
  • Thursday, December 22, has been added as a Middlebury holiday, enjoy the extended break!