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Institute Leadership Group 12.15.22


  • Institute Council FA22 OKR Grading (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)


  • This is the third semester we have implemented a regular cycle of presenting the Institute Council OKRs at the beginning of the semester, and following up with grading at the end of the semester.
  • These OKRs represent collective Council work and do not represent the full priorities of individual members.
  • Some of these OKRs will carry over into the spring semester.

OKR Scoring Key

  • 0.7 to 1.0 = Green (Completed or near completion)
  • 0.4 to 0.6 = Yellow (Progress short of completion)
  • 0.0 to 0.3 = Red (Minor progress)

Objective 1: Finalize ‘Institute of the Future’ focus areas (Global Security, Climate Change, Intercultural communication), including the associated degree and non-degree programs that we will offer in 2025

  • Overall Score: 0.4
  • Key Results:
    • KR1 (Score 0.6)Define and launch a process to solicit input from campus stakeholders in October 2022
      • Progress: Focus group conversations with Eduvantis; VPAA met with each program
    • KR2 (Score 0.3)Incorporate input from Eduvantis & other market sources with findings on programmatic opportunities and market positioning that will be presented to the ILG in November 2022
      • Progress: Initial input from Eduvantis, but final report has not yet been received
    • KR3 (Score 0.4)Draft revised focus area and program portfolio plan (market intel summary, consultant recommendations, strategic directions) for board consideration at January 2023 meeting
      • Progress: Partial report to be shared with Board, focused on timeline, metrics, milestones

Objective 2: Define immediate next steps for expanding online programs at scale

  • Overall Score: 0.5
  • Key Results:
    • KR1 (Score 0.9)Decide which program goes online next and appoint program development leader in October 2022
      • Progress: TLM Microcredential proposal is moving through curricular change process
    • KR2 (Score 0.4)Decide which two programs are on deck to go online for 2023 development and begin planning by January 2023
      • Progress: One program moving through initial consultation, second program not yet identified
    • KR3 (Score 0.2)Set up ‘Online Steering Committee’ with charge and timeline in October 2022
      • Progress: New program proposal review and approval process will be finalized in Spring 2023

Objective 3: Design New TI Curriculum for FA24 Implementation

  • Overall Score: 0.7
  • Key Results:
    • KR1 (Score 1.0)Launch ‘TI Transformation Task Force’ with Council & TI faculty in September 2022
      • Progress: Task Force created in October 2022, including market intelligence and curriculum subcommittees
    • KR2 (Score 1.0)Develop project plan and timeline with clear division of labor between Council & Faculty by October 2022
      • Progress: Complete
    • KR3 (Score 0.7)Deliver final task force authored plan to Provost in December 2023 (incl needs assessment summary & curricular design outline)
      • Progress: Deliverable deadline shifted to January 2023
    • KR4 (Score 0.2): Invite input on draft working group plan from ITS, DLINQ, HR, other anchor functions in October 2022
      • Progress: Will invite input after plan is more fully formulated

Objective 4: Hire 3-5 faculty by Spring 2023 (for Fall 2023 start)

  • Overall Score: 0.9
  • Key Results:
    • KR1 (Score 1.0)Determine which positions will be filled/created in September 2022
      • Progress: Received approval for MPA & IEM (conversion of visiting to regular positions) and NPTS faculty positions
    • KR2 (Score 1.0)Finalize position descriptions with program chairs & other stakeholders and post job announcements in September 2022
      • Progress: Complete
    • KR3 (Score 0.9)Launch search committees, charges, search calendars, and DEI training plan in September 2022
      • Progress: Established calendars on time, but launch was delayed to late October by budgetary approvals etc. Performed 3 DEI trainings with NPTS search committee (1 ea in Oct/Nov/Dec), shared trainings with the other 2 committees
    • KR4 (Score 0.7): Finalize budgets and advertising plan with HR, Ways and Means Committee, and others in September 2022
      • Progress: Received final approval to post late October, some advertising with professional associations didn’t go through until mid November