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Institute Leadership Group 11.3.22

Institute Council Fall 2022 OKR Progress

Objective 1: Finalize ‘Institute of the Future’ focus areas (Global Security, Climate Change, Intercultural communication), including the associated degree and non-degree programs that we will offer in 2025

Key ResultsProgress
Define and launch a process to solicit input from campus stakeholders in October 2022Focus area meetings with Eduvantis Program meetings with VPAAPlanning to build a task force for each focus area
Incorporate input from Eduvantis & other market sources with findings on programmatic opportunities and market positioning that will be presented to the ILG in November 2022Initial presentation to ILG in SeptemberEduvantis currently conducting market researchEAB research report on climate focus area (in progress). Similar reports will be generated for other two focus areas.
Draft revised focus area and program portfolio plan (market intel summary, consultant recommendations, strategic directions) for board consideration at January 2023 meeting

Objective 2: Define immediate next steps for expanding online programs at scale 

Key ResultsProgress
Decide which program goes online next and appoint program development leader in October 2022Planning in progress for TLM stackable credentials.
Decide which two programs are on deck to go online for 2023 development and begin planning by January 2023Dependent on making progress on identification of OPM and starting the contract writing process.
Set up ‘Online Steering Committee’ with charge and timeline in October 2022Still in the planning phase.

Objective 3: Design New TI Curriculum for FA23 Implementation

Key ResultsProgress
Launch ‘TI Transformation Task Force’ with Council & TI faculty in September 2022Complete: Task force has been formed, including market intelligence and curriculum subcommittees.
Develop project plan and timeline with clear division of labor between Council & Faculty by October 2022Complete: Project plan in place, some timelines have been adjusted (which impacts the following KRs)
Invite input on draft working group plan from ITS, DLINQ, HR, other anchor functions in October 2022HR and DLINQ are being engaged throughout the process. Other departments will be consulted once the proposal takes shape.
Deliver final task force authored plan to Provost in December 2022 (incl needs assessment summary & curricular design outline)Shifting deadline to January 2022.

Objective 4: Hire 3-5 faculty by Spring 2023 (for Fall 2023 start)

Key ResultsProgress
Determine which positions will be filled/created in September 2022Completed: 4 new positions aligned with our focus areas for the Institute of the Future will be filled/created in NPTS (replacement position), IEM, IPD/MPA (conversion of visiting to regular faculty positions), and Environment (new position with donor funding)
Finalize position descriptions with program chairs & other stakeholders and post job announcements in September 2022Partially complete – some job descriptions still in progress
Launch search committees, charges, search calendars, and DEI training plan in September 2022DEI training plan in place, search launched for NPTS position
Finalize budgets and advertising plan with HR, Ways and Means Committee, and others in September 2022Budgets are finalized, advertising plan development in progress

Additional Meeting Notes:

  • October Board Meeting Report-Out  & Institute Council OKR Progress Update (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)
    • OKR Update Reference: [Table Above]
    • October Board Meeting Report-Out
      • Thank you to Helen Jiang, Jill Stoffers, and Maha Baimyrzaeva who serve as the student, staff, and faculty constituent representatives to the Institute Board of Advisors. 
      • The most substantive agenda item was the status of the business plan and current activities underway to support the vision of an academically vibrant and sustainable institute of the future. This included a panel on several initiatives:
        • Dan Brayton, who leads the California Coast and Climate Semester and serves as a faculty member in the Environmental Studies program at the College, discussed the undergraduate program and related study away at MIIS ideas and needs. 
        • Amy Collier, DLINQ, shared about the Canvas Catalog initiative, which is a storefront we can create on Canvas to reach learners who are not enrolled at MIIS to purchase short credential-based courses. The first course that is going to be offered is about subtitling protocols for Netflix. We are working with a number of faculty in different programs to provide pieces of MIIS expertise that could be highly valuable to learners who may be more interested in short credential-based programs. 
        • Patricia Szasz, Dean of Academic Innovation, discussed a pilot to develop a stackable credential model – to take one of our degree programs and repackage it in a way that would allow learners to pursue a series of microcredentials that can stack up to a full Masters degree. We are in the process of developing a model that could be extended to other programs in the future. These programs would primarily take place online.
      • The board approved an increase in tuition for next year of 4% – more than the increase we had last year, but lower than the rate of inflation. More importantly, lower than the average increase in tuition of colleges and universities across the country (5.1%). This 4% increase also extends to the housing fee at Munras.
        • There was also an increase in the Student Resources Fee that will support the rollout of TimelyCare – a new health and wellness platform. Will also support the creation of a new position in the Student Services department, a Director of Student Success who will serve as a case manager to help students find the services they need.
  • ITS File Storage Solutions Q&A (Guest: Paul Dicovitsky, Dir. Infrastructure Services)
    • Reference: Presentation from ITS
    • Here to answer questions, we have been hearing concerns that MiddFiles/MIISFiles is going away, and some people have been curious about opportunities in the cloud. Storage, email, cloud services, etc.
    • We were also focused on this outreach because things are changing. Google Workspace is no longer a free service. We have now signed a contract with them for the first time. There is a specific limitation on storage, and we are still negotiating, but storage on this new offering it is now much more constrained (previously unlimited). We will have more information before the end of the year. We have moved 100TB out of Google over the last few months, and some of our partners among faculty have been fantastic in helping with that project.
    • ITS is available for questions and to support departments in assessing their storage needs and selecting a platform.