Home » VPAA Update » VPAA Update 10.17.22

VPAA Update 10.17.22

Dear Colleagues,

I started these weekly email updates during the pandemic to ensure clear and regular and responsive communication with our community. I’m glad to say that COVID is no longer the primary topic of focus for these updates. However, I want to continue my commitment to transparent and regular communication.

We’ve made a couple of changes:

  • Focus on the Future: This update will be focused on our work to implement key changes to create the Institute of the future, including progress updates on the fall OKRs
  • Timing: You’ll receive messages on Mondays rather than on Fridays to better fit the rhythms of our work. We will occasionally shift to biweekly, depending on how much there is to report.

It’s important to note that this is just one of many touch points you can expect, in addition to focused meetings with staff and programs around key initiatives, Town Halls, and other forums.

I will be traveling to Middlebury next week for the Board of Trustees meetings. I will share highlights of the meetings related to the Institute of the Future in my next update.

In other news, congratulations to Jeffrey Lewis for placing a timely op-ed in the New York Times:

Opinion | It’s Time to Accept That North Korea Has Nuclear Weapons

Have a wonderful week –


For reference: You can find all past updates from me (as well as other standing committees/groups), and track curricular changes at the MIIS Leadership Group hub.