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VPAA Update 9.23.22

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your input on our draft Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for fall 2022.  Based on this input, we:

  • Reworded the top objectives to make them clearer
  • Reordered and added deadlines for related milestones
  • Will set up an “ongoing inbox” to streamline feedback and holding Council accountable, a principal theme of feedback from many of you.

These will be the top priorities for the Institute Council in the coming months.

Read the final OKRs.

We have been working together for some time to envision the Institute of the future. This year, we are taking major steps forward in making that vision a reality.

  • We are radically refocusing by getting clear on how we need to update and shift our current programs to align with what students and employers want and need now.
  • We will expand our online offerings, including existing and new degree programs and non-degree programs or stackable credentials, to reach more – and more diverse – learners.
  • We are deepening collaboration with Middlebury by improving and marketing our Study Away and 4+1 programs.
  • Most importantly, we are making calls on the right program mix and the required investment to bring in new revenues in the years to come.

I look forward to our work together this year.