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VPAA Update 7.1.22

Dear Colleagues,

Two weeks ago, my campus update summarized the feedback that my Council colleagues and I received during the last several months regarding the MIIS Business Plan, and the Academic Leadership Restructuring that is a part of that plan (you can find all of the weekly VPAA updates here). In this week’s message, I want to return to the recurring items that came through in your feedback, and how our plans have or will take on those concerns. Your feedback had to do with four broad themes:

  • Accountability and information sharing
  • Opportunities for engagement
  • Greater specificity 
  • DEI

Accountability and Information Sharing

  • The Institute Council uses the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) framework to develop measurable and transparent strategic targets. These OKRs are shared at the beginning of the semester with the Institute Leadership Group. They are available to any Middlebury employee at this link. At the end of each semester, we evaluate how well we’ve met our targets
  • Your comments make clear that the OKR process at MIIS, though it includes elected faculty leadership and program chairs, is not reaching all stakeholders, including all faculty. Among the proposals under consideration to better share this information, we will incorporate the full faculty into this OKR process. The Faculty Senate already is considering how this might happen; I welcome your ideas. 
  • The Faculty Senate and Staff Advisory Team/Staff Council has regular communication with the Institute Board of Advisors and the Provost, which are additional ways for stakeholders to hold the MIIS campus leadership accountable for our performance.


  • We will refocus our communication with campus partners to address campus stakeholders’ priorities and concerns, in addition to reporting outcomes to Middlebury Leadership and the Board. 
  • You will have already noticed that we have instituted this new weekly update on issues related to the MIIS Business Plan and the Institute of the future. 
  • We will continue to use open meetings and work with programs, departments, and existing teams and committees to invite input on these processes.
  • We continue to welcome your input via the feedback form on the Business Plan and the  feedback form for the Academic Leadership Restructuring.


  • The Business Plan that I shared with the Board of Trustees in May represents a vision––a set of ideas and philosophical principles––and proposals for more effectively designed and marketable programs.
  • In the weeks and months ahead we will continue to work with external partners, including Trestle Bridge and Eduvantis, to collect and analyze market data that will inform our decisions. We will plan to engage a firm to act as our online program manager. Those of you who participated in meetings with candidate firms have been invited to provide your feedback, which will inform the selection of this online partner. Moreover, your collaboration with these external partners will be critical to our success.
  • I am delighted that Laura, Fernando, and Patricia have agreed to serve in the critical new roles outlined in our academic leadership restructuring, effective today, July 1. We will share official and final job descriptions for the three new deans’ roles shortly. The three new deans will be appointed for fixed terms, subject to a renewal process that will include an evaluation of their performance.


Last week’s update shared a thorough summary of activities and plans of the MIIS DEI Advisory Committee. One of our principal objectives is to truly activate the committee’s advisory role by connecting it with other groups central to governance, including the Institute Leadership Group. 

Long-term Sustainability, Commitment to Our Mission:

Thank you once again for your thoughtful comments on the plan. Transformational change will certainly present challenges. At the same time, your excitement, creativity, and optimism are invigorating as we imagine our future. 

Finally, I want to take a moment to affirm my absolute commitment to the Institute’s mission and to the pursuit of our long-term sustainability. I am confident that the restructured leadership team, with your collaboration and input, will deftly lead us through the essential work of implementing, refining, and adjusting this ambitious plan and vision in each of the key areas, and I look forward to working with you as we bring about true and meaningful change. My Council colleagues and I are grateful for the ways our community supports one another and continues to work together to further our mission.

Please note that this weekly update will take a hiatus during the remainder of the month of July. 

My best wishes for the summer,