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Faculty Senate 3.9.21

Present: Mahmoud Abdalla, Mahabat Baimyrzaeva, Philipp Bleek, Katherine Punteney (Vice President/President Elect), Thor Sawin (President). Absent: William Arrocha, Pushpa Iyer, Anna Vassilieva. Staff: Stacie Riley.

Budget Advisory Committee Update: The committee met on Monday, March 8. It was announced that the Board of Trustees will not approve an unbalanced budget for fiscal year 2022. To achieve a balanced budget many of the cuts made during the pandemic will remain in place. A survey was then produced.

  • Question one dealt with ways to achieve savings, many of which affect the college only.
    • Moving the student ratio from 1:8 to 1:9. MIIS student ratio is already higher than this.
    • Reduce retirement contributions at the college from 15% to 11%, which is where MIIS is currently. This option was very unappealing to the college faculty.
    • Keep all open positions unfilled.
  • Question two asked if after balancing the budget there was a surplus what priorities should be restored first.
    • Cost of living increases.
    • Salary compression adjustments and faculty and staff promotions.
    • A low priority was increases to operational spending such as travel and library funding.

Campus Master Plan: Facilities has requested a meeting with faculty in April to gain feedback on the two proposed next steps in the Institute’s Master Plan. The Senate agreed that a town hall (if interaction is desired) or a survey would be the best option. Thor will propose these options to Facilities.

Faculty Feedback Survey: A survey will be sent to faculty after spring break to gather feedback on the following items:

  1. Timing of student evaluation.
  2. Anti-bias statement for student evaluations with researched citations.
  3. Faculty presentation day options.
  4. Discussion with faculty member and peer review committee as part of the promotion process.
  5. Single peer review committee for both promotion and contract renewal, if going up in the same academic year?
  6. Generate ideas about other sources that can contribute to teaching effectiveness besides student evaluations.
  7. Information gathering on faculty workload review.

Upcoming Faculty Town Hall: On Thursday, March 11, there will be a faculty town hall to discuss planning for the fall 2021 semester.

Meeting with General Counsel: A meeting between the Faculty Senate and Hannah Ross still needs to be scheduled. Thor will invite Hannah to attend a meeting after spring break.