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Institute Leadership Group 1.21.21


Response to Capitol Siege & MIIS Role (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)
Return-to-Work Update (Jeff Dayton-Johnson, Barbara Burke)
Timing of migration for the 14 shared departmental email addresses (Vijay Menta)


Response to Capitol Siege & MIIS Role (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)

  • Wrote an email to the community in response to requests from community members, especially students, about the institute’s response.
  • Thanks for a productive and educational panel.
  • Reactions to the town hall? Follow up to the activities?
    • Town hall was very engaged, energetic, focused. Students don’t want a one-off fragmented approach, they want faculty & administration to act systematically and strategically to be a proactive and impactful force in the community/in the world.
    • Appreciated the event, especially breakdown by Jeff Knopf about what the constitution says, and Alex Newhouse presentation on CTEC research. Educational, informative, great to hear different perspectives from different parties. Would love to see more of this.
    • Would have been nice to be a little more timely (although break played a role), and to have international representation on our panel.
    • People were feeling unsafe personally and intellectually; the incidents on Capitol Hill, seeing how differently the white Capitol Hill rioters were being treated compared to BLM protestors in the summer. We want to assure students of color and international students that they are safe.
    • Students want to see faculty & staff leading the way on action. Need more conversation in the community about what activism and anti-racism looks like. International students are trying to figure out their role in these conversations.
    • Hope we provide space for conservative students to be a part of this community, and to engage.
    • The College is working on an “Engaged Listening Project” https://engagedlistening.middcreate.net/about/
  • Will try to have more events in the future like this where faculty and staff can share their expertise related to extremism or other issues

Return-to-Work Update (Barbara Burke, Jeff Dayton-Johnson)

  • We are trying to err on the side of over-communication and transparency.
  • Spring semester, 23 staff are returning to work on campus, 25 faculty who have requested to work in offices, all less than 25 hours per week and following Covid protocols.
  • We are in Phase 1B, Tier 1 as educators. (This tier applies to everyone who works for the Institute). Barbara has registered with Monterey County Health Department so we’ll be notified.
  • Return-to-work team meets once every 2 weeks. Working with mechanical engineer and industrial hygienist.
  • The rooms that are already open have been listed on emails
  • Working toward knowing all we need to know to see about having (some) classes onsite in the fall.
  • Plexiglass barriers being put up in reception areas.
  • Return to work committee members are:
    • Ashley Arrocha
    • Michael Ulibarri
    • Jeremy Von den Benken
    • Betcie Daniels
    • Andrew Hernandez
    • Student representative Alice McGown
    • Barbara Burke

Timing of migration for the 14 shared departmental email addresses 

  • The change to universal use of the email domain @middlebury.edu was applied on December 10. In past, had 2 domain names: @miis.edu and @middlebury.edu. This causes licensing and technical difficulties when people use @miis.edu on GMHEC.
  • The impact should be zero for individuals. You’ll retain @miis.edu as an alias (as long as you are an active user), but behind the scenes you’ll be seen as @middlebury.edu.
  • 14 email addresses have been identified so far that can’t be ported over: admissions@miis.edu vs. admissions@middlebury.edu. Working with department heads on figuring it out.
  • Students retain emails till 1 year after graduation.
  • Employees lose their emails approximately 30 days after their employment ends.
  • We have not automated these processes to the extent that we need to, and are carrying more emails than we should. If you know of specific emails that need to be terminated, alert Vijay or the help desk.