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Institute Leadership Group 12.03.20


  • Strategic Planning (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)
  • Governance Group Updates (Thor Sawin, Bob Cole, Madeleine Smith & Lincoln Ngaboyisonga)


Strategic Planning (Jeff Dayton-Johnson)

  • While the pandemic paused some of our strategic planning conversations, it is clear that there is a growing interest in our post-pandemic strategic vision.
  • We have a set of strategic pillars focused on the Institute and build within the general Envisioning Middlebury framework.
  • We presented these 4 pillars in fall last year, and are now working on breaking them down into specific implementation tasks. The Council is working on this, specifically looking at:
    • 1. Pricing – sticker price and actual price – How can we make pricing more affordable AND make the institution more profitable?
    • 2. Policy programs – IPM programs (IEM, DPP) – reexamining elements like length, degree requirements, market demand, and employer needs to ensure we are offering effective programs.
    • 3. Preparing for external review of T&I programs, scheduled to happen next year – reviewing our strengths and weaknesses, position in the market, pedagogy, curriculum etc.
  • Looking forward to taking on this strategic discussion again to reflect on what we’ve experienced during coronavirus, wildfires, economic recession, and how this may affect and change us. These problems are longer-term, and the world is changed – we need to adapt, adjust, and lead.

Governance Group Updates

Faculty Senate (Thor Sawin)

  • Faculty Senate was contacted by student journalists at Midd College about the sense of the faculty motion, trying to keep it positive.
  • Working on medium term strategy from faculty side, curriculum side, what are the best approaches to ensuring we have mission-aligned market-responsive programs.
  • There will be a Dec 15 DLINQ discussion on what went well with online teaching, then reps from standing committees (APSIC, FEC) will be meeting to review how things went.
  • Working on clarity on protections/resources/rights for faculty on student grievances – reviewing what protections exist, plan to coordinate with Student Council. Working to Hannah Ross to understand the status quo and will start this conversation in the spring.
  • Thinking about having more holistic data for evaluations/ workload calculations, particularly if:
    • Future faculty involving people who don’t live in CA, different types of arrangements/ faculty loads. 
    • How are we counting directed studies? (inconsistent history)
  • Will pick this up more in January.

Staff Council (Bob Cole)

  • SAT met with Institute Board of Advisors Nov 13:
    • Ashley produced memo for Board packet, highlighting areas of concern and bright spots gathered from staff feedback.
    • Shared pillars of work: community building, information sharing, and representation of staff voice.
    • Discussion also included a focus on strategic priority for 2025 directions, thriving community.
    • We need to do more with the board of advisors on supporting Middlebury’s strategic interests in leveraging our global network.
  • Have been contacted by Middlebury campus student newspaper about the sense of the faculty vote in the spring by College
  • SAT continues to offer monthly Friday meet-ups with a variety of foci. The next one is Dec 4 at 12pm PT. Naomi Braswell will talk about virtual giving tree, reaching out and supporting local community with Christmas presents.
  • Budget advisory committee hasn’t met since October, plan to meet in December to learn where finance planning work is going.
  • Staff Council co-sponsored an all-Middlebury staff Town Hall with Sr leadership on Nov 5, video here.  
  • Next Council-SLG meeting Dec 10th, will include update on annual performance summary (APS) requirement to reflect this extraordinary year, discussion of shared governance and anti-racism work, a proposal to expand the Ombuds program to the Institute. It’s accessible to faculty and staff in Monterey, but would like to have someone based at MIIS.

Student Council (Madeleine Smith & Lincoln Ngaboyisonga)

  • Student Council had their last meeting of the semester this week: Update here
  • Have been working to build stronger bridge with College, Julius Moye is the point person, trying to foster community on the student level (academically and socially – connecting clubs)
  • Have focused on DEI work with Miguel Fernandez as interim CDO
  • Disaster relief budget – some came from Student Council
  • Housing committee – new standing committee, with some lofty goals for spring semester, community mapping, qualitative data research, housing resource database for future students.