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Institute Leadership Group 10.1.20


  • Future Term Planning: Campus Access Considerations & Phased Reopening


Future Term Planning: Campus Access Considerations & Phased Reopening

  • Breakout Room Discussions: Brainstorm
    • What, if any, types of increased access to campus facilities might we consider in a phased reopening model? (Primarily focused on, but not limited to, students)
    • What are the benefits/challenges associated with these types of campus access from the perspective of your department?
  • Full Group Discussion: Ideas Raised
    • If possible, utilize outdoor spaces for small group meetings and study spaces (tents, covered areas, open areas)
      • Patios (Samson, Holland)
      • Other Outdoor Areas (Garden, Pierce St., Parking Areas)
      • Potential Challenges:
        • Adequate WiFi strength to support outdoor work. ITS would need lead time to assess any technical upgrades) We need lead time to address these technical and space upgrades. Many vendors are finding the supply chain is backlogged for these types of equipment.
        • Would using outdoor space require additional staffing for security/furniture moving?
        • Weather could pose challenges for reliable use of outdoor spaces, and would limit the type of spaces we could consider.
    • Consider safety protocols/feasibility for campus resource access
      • Library & Printing
        • Students can currently order books online, send printing by email, pick up contactless at office services
      • Lab Spaces
        • Lots of interest in ability to use the simul labs, but would be hard to monitor safety protocols for practice use outside of class.
      • Indoor Space
        • The Return to Work Committee has conducted a classroom space audit, and we need to be mindful that many classroom capacities are severely reduced by social distancing guidelines.
        • Need an understanding of which rooms are safe, well-ventilated, have upgraded HVAC and filtration systems, etc.
    • Consider the option (for both faculty and students to decide) of having in-person 1:1 meetings. 
    • Develop clear safety protocols and expectations: testing, masks, hand sanitizer, guidelines, and liability waiver to use campus.
      • Middlebury College has a policy that they have been using a symptom check and exposure protocol for accessing campus. 
    • Community building
      • Would be nice to give students an opportunity to build in-person connections if possible.
      • Are there any ways that we can endorse socially distant student clubs (ie. small outdoor meetings, beach clean ups, etc.)?
      • Many new students moved to Monterey, and there are many students continuing and new, who are considering whether or not they should move to or stay in Monterey.
    • Equity
      • It is important to consider equity. Any faculty/student interactions would need to have online equivalent. We want to be mindful of students who cannot return to campus, as well as those who have invested in living in Monterey.
    • We need to be clear about the conditions that need to change to allow us to loosen restrictions on campus.
    • Is there anything we can pilot in the fall so we can be better prepared for spring?
  • Next Steps:
    • The Institute Council will be meeting with program chairs, faculty senate, student council, Staff Advisory Team, Student Experience Team, Return to Work Committee, and raising this conversation at the All Employee Meet-up that SAT is hosting. We hope to engage with all stakeholders who may want to contribute input.
    • We will come back to ILG with what has been heard, what might be feasible, and what is informing our decision reasoning.