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Institute Leadership Group 6.17.20


  • Fall Decision & Communications Plan
  • HCM Support

Note: Welcome new Student Council President Madeleine Smith


Decision Communication (Muchadei Zvoma, Eva Gudbergsdottir)

  • Our fall decision will go out in an email. This email will lead to a landing page with a video from Jeff that discusses ‘Why MIIS & Why Now?’
  • There will also be videos from students, faculty, staff, and alumni that create a grid. Each person featured is answering a question relevant for incoming students. This will not be a static page, the idea is to keep creating content all summer. 
  • There will also be information on our approach to remote learning (including the webinar with Barry Olsen, Maha Baimyrzaeva, and David Wick), specific considerations for international students, and information on affordability.
  • We will link to a significant number of FAQs, thanks to ISSS, SFS, Admissions, Student Services, CACS, and Academic folks for supporting the development of these lists. If you have any other suggestions, just let us know.
  • There will be a link to this page along with the Covid page at the top of the website.
  • There are so many people playing a role in this work, and it is no easy task to organize all of these additional resources, thank you immensely!

Fall Decision Planning (Jeff Dayton Johnson)

  • We want to make sure that we are taking into account the needs of different departments, and are really clear on our messaging to different audiences.
  • We are actively working on returning to campus, and a return to the wider world. A huge part of the MIIS experience is travel, work in the community, connecting with clients, etc.
  • We are also planning for a future where online, hybrid programs represent a larger portion of our programs.
  • The speed with which we can move on returning to campus and the wider world are dictated by the external environment and our capacity to adapt to necessary changes.
  • We do not have the capacity or the certainty about the external environment to open the campus in the fall. Cases in Monterey are accelerating, and this may not be long-term, but it is hard to anticipate what the effects will be of the state’s efforts to gradually reopen. 
  • A principle worry is the disruption of reopening and needing to close again, especially if due to cases within our own community. 
  • While we are working on a plan, we don’t have a fully operational system to test, monitor, trace contacts, isolate, and quarantine. The College is in a better position to do this because of their dormitories. We do not have that level of control, and the consequences of an outbreak could be higher.
  • It is very unlikely that international students who want to come study at the Institute would be able to arrive on campus in the fall with the challenges of safety, visas, and travel restrictions.
  • It is too soon to say what will happen in J-Term or the Spring semester.
  • Students need to make decisions about where to live, so we want to be decisive and help them make those decisions with as much information as possible.
  • This also provides certainty to faculty, we want them to be able to direct their efforts towards the planned mode of instruction.
  • We are going to announce a pandemic relief fund that acknowledges financial constraints for our students. We are in the process of finalizing how students will apply for this support.
  • We are also reopening the conversation about per-credit part-time pricing. We want to set the per-credit part-time price at a level that will encourage students to continue their studies even if they are not prepared to commit to a full-time remote program. The motivation is to support students with more flexibility.

HCM Support (MIchael Ulibarri)

  • We are now live, and hopefully at this point everyone has done the online training and had a chance to access the system. 
  • CTO and SLR balances are in the system, you will be able to view them next Tuesday. They will appear and you will have access. 
  • We are doing Zoom drop-in sessions, and have had about 35 people participate. 
  • We are getting ready to do the double entry of timecards in the next pay period. 
  • Exempt employees will not be submitting a timecard in HCM. Non-exempt employees will be submitting time cards in HCM. 
  • 4th of July will be observed on the 3rd, so you will need to use absence management to submit your time off request. Timesheets are distinct from absence management.
  • The 29th is the deadline for timesheets for the next pay period.
  • Supervisors are asked to complete all six modules, and there are distinct modules for MIIS and Midd students.
  • If you need help or assistance, there is the HR oracle page, the self-guided training, and the option of submitting questions to HR at Middlebury or MIIS. Technical questions can go to hcm.ghmec.org. The drop-in sessions are available from this week to next week.