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Institute Leadership Group 11.20.19


  • Restorative Practices Training Follow-up
  • Campus Platform Introduction
  • Pierce Street Closure & RRR Introduction
  • Curricular Change Process
  • VPAA & Board Update

Restorative Practices Follow-up (Jeff Dayton Johnson)

  • Reference: What is Restorative Practices?
  • We held a three-day restorative practices training on campus in early November facilitated by two leaders from the International Institute for Restorative Practices, Stacey Miller, Associate Provost for Inclusion and Retention at Valparaiso University, and Dennis DePaul, Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the University of Vermont.
  • Restorative practices is a framework that centralizes relationship and community building.
  • The ILG will be practicing proactive community-building circles at the start of each meeting as a way to practice an RP tool.
    • Sample Question: If time or money were no issue, where in the world would you travel at the conclusion of this meeting?

Campus Platform Introduction (Devin Lueddeke, Alisyn Gruener)

  • We are introducing a new online platform, Campus, for current and admitted students that we hope will support student connection, resource-sharing, and retention.
  • We have had a Facebook community and Canvas instance of MICommunity, but these platforms have been fraught with challenges. 
  • We often hear from students that there are a lot of places where they get information: Email, this week at MIIS, digital signs, Facebook group, events calendar, but no one-stop-shop for campus communication and activities. Campus will not necessarily replace these, but can integrate with these resources.
  • Benefits of Campus:
    • Middlebury branded, the look harmonizes with the rest of our platforms. 
    • Streamlined access with single-sign-on (or their application email until enrolled)
    • Ability to auto join groups based on criteria
    • Reduce our dependence on email for communication
    • Salesforce integration: Track activity, enabling recruiters to predict yield
  • Additional Features: Search bar, ability to create customized personas based on program/cohort/etc., ability to create group/club spaces, quick links (Bannerweb, email, etc.), events and widgets, social integrations, notifications, direct messages, and customized profiles.
  • Rollout Plan
    • Spring 2020 Cohort: Launched November, 2019
      • These students have been notified that we are still testing this space. 
    • Fall 2020 Cohort: January, 2020
      • We will launch with a few lessons learned.
    • Current Students: Spring Term TBD
    • Spring 2021 Cohort: July, 2020
  • Sunset Plan
    • There are a few things that are going away. 
      • MIIS Official Student Group: June, 2020
      • MIIS Housing Group: April, 2020
      • MIIS Marketplace: April, 2020
    • Current students who are graduating in the Spring will not access the new platform.
    • New incoming students for 2020 will not use Facebook for any of these resources.

Pierce St. Closure & RRR Introduction (Andrew Hernandez)

  • The Easement Phase of Phase I of the Master Plan
    • The focus of this phase is fulfilling the easement requirement with the city of Monterey before the deadline of February 2021. The Pierce Street Easement is just one part of Phase I of the Master Plan.
    • Once the easement requirements have been fulfilled, there will not be any vehicular traffic going through this section of Pierce St. There will be a cul de sac on Pierce St. in front of the Casa Fuente building, some light landscaping and beautification in the area in front of Casa Fuente.
    • We have about 35% of the design completed at this stage. 
    • We are losing 17 parking spots.  
      • At this stage we are abandoning the IIRC parking lot. 
      • The entrance to the majority of the on-campus parking will be through the Van Buren St. The exit of the parking lot is on schedule to get repaired. 
      • The parking lot at the corner of Pierce and Jefferson will lose one spot.
      • The entrance to the underground parking will become more roundabout. The piece of road behind the Craig building will become a two-way street.
    • We will have bollards blocking the road in front of the McCone Building, some of which can be removed for emergency vehicles. 
    • We will start construction on Pierce St. the Monday after Spring Commencement. We will try very hard to complete the most disruptive work in the quiet weeks before summer programs start. This work will likely continue into the fall semester.
  • RRR Update
    • Facilities RRR (Repair, Renewal, Replacement) is capital funding. We receive .5M each year to complete capital projects. This is outside of our day-to-day operating budget. 
    • Some examples of recent or ongoing RRR projects include:
      • Renovated B207/208 and combined into 30-person classroom
      • Replaced carpet in B-side of Morse, including asbestos abatement.
      • McGowan HVAC, we are working on the efficiency of the units. We have 33 unites, we have replaced about 10 of the units and they seem to be working much better.
      • Roofing work for Student Services and Simoneau buildings
      • Renovation of M238 to increase classroom capacity
      • Seismic retrofit of part of the Lara Soto Adobe
    • Upcoming projects
      • McGowan HVAC, proposals for first floor getting control over the classrooms.
      • T&I labs, we are transforming CF452 into Simulab 4.
      • Some of the RRR funding is going towards the master plan, including design work. Next FY a significant amount will go to the actual implementation.
    • RRR Process
      • About two years ago we developed a process for gathering input from the ILG on RRR funding to gather ideas and do some collective prioritization. This gives Andrew an idea of what is important, and gets projects on the facilities department radar.
      • ILG members are asked to gather input from their areas to submit through the proposal form, and will later be asked to help prioritize submissions.
    • Note: Technology improvements in classrooms are shared between IT and RRR.

Curricular Change Process (Fernando DePaolis)

  • We are in the process of more clearly outlining and refining our curricular change process.
  • We want to have as much review as possible incorporated into the design stages. This involves an iterative process of stakeholder engagement.
  • Our hope is a revised process increases our ability to make more informed decisions. We have also tried to make some improvements to the review/approval process. It hasn’t always been clear of who approves a new change or degree.
  • The flow chart is complemented by a table where these items are spelled out in more detail. This group is part of formal review after APSIC has provided a more detailed review.
  • Another element added in the initial stages are the components that a fully developed proposal should include: Analysis of prospects of career outcomes, financial implications of change, etc.
  • Proposals with hybrid/online components need to go through Provost and DLINQ review.
  • New programs need to be approved by the board.

VPAA & Board Update (Jeff Dayton Johnson)

  • There have been two board meetings since our last ILG meeting. The Board of Trustees met in October, and last week the Institute Board of Overseers met in Monterey. 
  • Three highlights from October
    • Undergraduates: Enthusiasm for initiatives to bring undergraduates to campus & increasing housing availability
    • Online initiatives: Spanish certificate, online AE TLM for which we are accepting apps to launch next Fall
    • Enrollment: guarded optimism that we have exceeded our intake this fall. The number of new students exceeds that of last fall. Our goal is to stabilize enrollment.
  • Housing: Adding housing to the fundraising campaign as a big ticket future-oriented item. This is seen as a vote of confidence for what we are doing and shows significant investment in our campus.
  • Thank you: The two day meeting here on site involved many people in this room and thank you to everyone. This was an enormous mobilization of effort, the board was impressed. The presentation from marketing, communications, and details about enrollment plan were particularly well-received.