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Institute Board of Overseers October 2019 Board Memo Submission

Staff Update (Submitted by Ashley Arrocha, Staff Constituent Overseer)

In preparation for the IBO meeting, the Staff Advisory Team (SAT), the Staff Council Representatives for MIIS, the Office of Organizational Development and I collaborated to create a six question, appreciative inquiry survey to solicit staff input on staff community successes, concerns and opportunities for improvement.  There were 19 responses, representing roughly 16% of staff.

The overarching area of concern, that is consistent in these results and in conversations among staff, is the uncertainty regarding the road ahead, post Workforce Planning (WFP).    There is significant apprehension related to staff retention, support, respect, productivity, resources and engagement.  Although there is a sense of optimism and commitment to one another and our shared mission, there is a need to repair and rebuild our staff community and work environment. 

To obtain a better understanding of staff input, I’ve included the aggregated data below.  I’ve also linked a comprehensive summary of survey responses here and untouched survey responses here as electronic appendices to this memo. 

Survey Questions and Related Aggregated Results:

As a staff member, what is important to you now?
What do you value in your work and in this organization?
Anything else you would like to share?

  • The importance of staff stability, support and retention
  • Respect for colleagues and appreciation for collaborative spirit
  • The importance of creating a clear plan for the road ahead and a culture of trust, appreciation, collaboration and encouragement post Workforce Planning (WFP)
  • Strong commitment to mission and vision
  • Fair compensation for work being done

What would you/your department be doing if you were 20% bolder?

  • Program innovation: online, hybrid, career-driven, study away, professional development hub for students
  • Invest in more technology
  • Change tuition models
  • Streamline and mitigate administrative issues for our students

What have been the high points/bright spots for you that you would want others to know about?

  • Helping and supporting one another through changes and challenging times
  • Efficiencies with Salesforce
  • The launch of the Spanish Community Interpreting Program
  • Focusing on career outcomes
  • Hitting enrollment targets despite significant staffing and departmental challenges

What have been the low points/challenges for you that you would want others to know about?

  • The negative impact of WFP on our community
  • Communication constraints with leadership
  • Staff spread too thin and expected to do more, including volunteering at events
  • Oracle – ongoing inefficiencies, problems and creating more work for many
  • Differences in policies between MIDD and MIIS staff: e.g. tuition reimbursement

In addition to sharing staff input, it is also important to note that the SAT, Staff Council, the Office of Organizational Development and I are committed to representing Monterey-based staff.  We are doing this through bi-monthly check-ins, monthly informational meet-ups, and information sharing with staff and with our VPAA and Dean of the Institute, Jeff Dayton-Johnson.  We recognize that we have an opportunity and responsibility to help strengthen our staff community through our collaborative work.