Home » Institute Leadership Group (ILG) » Institute Leadership Group 9.18.19

Institute Leadership Group 9.18.19


  • Student Council Update
  • Faculty Senate Update
  • Leadership Group Transitions


  • Student Council Update (Jaewon Oh)
    • The full council has nearly been elected, one final seat is being determined this week. The full council will be 18 members and includes several first semester students.
    • Student Council had their kick-off retreat over the weekend, which included a review of the DiSC profile.
    • Council priorities include getting student input on decisions, promoting transparency, and finding ways to creatively and thoroughly update the student body and keep them informed.
    • APSIC Note: We are eager to ensure that students have had the chance to give input and feedback on curricular change proposals coming to APSIC, and they will be careful to monitor that student consultation has taken place.
  • Faculty Senate Update (Thor Sawin)
    • The first faculty assembly meeting was held on September 3rd and the first faculty senate meeting was held on September 10th.
    • Key Issues:
      • Honoring departing faculty. 
        • There are a few ideas that are being considered for honoring faculty that will be departing the Institute this coming spring. It is important that these faculty have a say in how they are recognized, and potentially have a list of options. 
      • Contract non-renewal concerns
        • The increased potential of contract non-renewal continues to be the main source of low morale and discontent. If this is going to continue to be a practice the faculty would like increased transparency around the process and standards used to make these decisions. 
      • January hire promotion/review cycle
        • The schedule for January hires can create conflicts with the standard cycles for promotion/review and the Senate is exploring possibilities for alternate cycles.
  • Leadership Group Transitions (Jeff Dayton Johnson)
    • We are exploring some changes to our current leadership group structure with the objective to better support communication, engagement, clarity around decision-making, and transparency.
    • We continue to work to align our leadership structure with the ARCI model (Accountable, Responsible, Consulted, Informed), and the ILG importantly contributes to the consulted and informed pieces of that model.
    • The ILG is a group of leaders, and the charge of this group is to consult on key issues and share information across departments and functions.
    • We are moving in the direction of making ILG larger and more inclusive to ensure greater representation.
    • If this is a place where consultation happens systematically for all types of decisions on both campuses, then there need to be more people present.
    • Initially we are going to try organizing our agendas and information sharing in such a way where we meet once monthly. This may change if a once-monthly meeting does not meet the needs of this group.
    • The next ILG meeting will be October 16th, and one of the first agenda items will be to discuss the expectations for the group and introduce the new members.