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Institute Leadership Group 4.17.19


  • Presentation from Sustainability Council GAs
  • Introduce Chief Diversity Officer & Senior Human Relations Office
  • Report on One Middlebury
  • Second Quarter OKRs


  • Presentation from Sustainability Council GAs (Guests: Erin Lannon, Farid Kayali)
    • The Sustainability Council is working on four main projects:
      • Developing strategies to improve the results of our greenhouse gas audit
      • Building a proposal to transition six campus buildings to solar power
      • Bringing an electric vehicle charging station to campus
      • Aligning efforts with the Middlebury 2028 Climate Action Plan
    • There are three Sustainability Council sub-committees: Energy, Food & Waste, and Earth Month.
      • Some of their projects include the transportation survey, California Green Business Network, and “we are still in” pledge to show continued support of the Paris Accord.
    • The future of sustainability at MIIS:
      • The Climate Action Plan 2019-2028 is going to be an important guidepost of the coming work.
      • The council is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of our sustainability efforts.
      • MIIS can leverage sustainability initiatives to drive enrollment through providing opportunities for students to apply and develop their skills.
  • Introduce Chief Diversity Officer & Senior Human Relations Office (Jeff, Guests: Miguel Fernandez, Eric Lopez)
    • Miguel Fernandez, Chief Diversity Officer and interim Title IX Coordinator)
      • Last Fall we created the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
      • As of January 1st this restructured office includes:
        • The Director for Education for Equity and Inclusion, Renee Wells
        • The Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life
        • The Title IX Office
          • Civil Rights and Title IX Officer
            • The Title IX Officer was previously housed in Human Resources, but this move aligns with our future state. Much of the compliance work is remaining with HR, and the role is evolving to become more outward looking and better able to engage in training and awareness. The title changed to Civil Rights and Title IX Officer to better represent the anti-harassment and discrimination work.
          • Senior and Second Human Relations Officers (HROs)
            • We have decoupled the Title IX Officer from the HROs to allow greater autonomy.
        • Student Accessibility Services
          • SAS is moving towards being renamed the Disability Resource Center to operate more broadly.
    • Eric Lopez: Senior Human Relations Officer
      • Eric is a lawyer who brings a background as a prosecutor and public defender with experience in employee relations work.
      • Helps the organization to provide and insist on a respectful work environment, understand the definitions of discrimination and harassment, and understand what our institutional response looks like when issues arise.
      • Title IX is a small sliver of the federal requirement in terms of compliance to create a respectful workplace and institution. The Civil Rights Act also informs much of this work.
  • One Middlebury Awards (Amy)
    • These small grants are offered to encourage collaboration in teaching and research among the faculties of the various Middlebury programs. The Institute was either the proposing organization, or a collaborating unit on eight of the nine One Middlebury proposals approved for funding in March 2019.
    • Philipp Bleek • Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies • Middlebury Institute
      • Will organize an exchange of visits between Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies faculty and Middlebury College faculty who teach in areas that complement NPTS.
    • Robert Cohen • English and American Literatures • Middlebury College
      • Claudia Cooper • Education and English and American Literatures • Middlebury College
      • Will visit the Middlebury Institute in order to develop relationships with Institute colleagues and explore opportunities for teaching in Institute programs.
    • Florence Feiereisen • German • Middlebury College
      • Will bring Thor Sawin, Middlebury Institute Associate Professor of TESOL/TFL, to Middlebury College in the winter of 2020 to teach in the German department. (Note: Thor also teaches in the German summer language school and may be the first person to teach at the College, the Institute and the Schools in a single year.)
    • Curt Gervich and Liou Xie • Middlebury School of the Environment
      • Will visit the Middlebury Institute and engage with their International Environmental Policy faculty and students as a step toward greater collaboration between these two programs.  
    • Karin Hanta • Linguistics • Middlebury College
      • Will travel to the Middlebury Institute to present at the Monterey Forum and 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Translation and Interpretation program.
    • María Jesús Iglesias Barca • Hispanic Studies • Middlebury Institute
      • Will travel to Spain this summer, to conduct research for a proposed immersive learning experience on rural depopulation for students of Spanish at the Middlebury Institute and the School in Spain. Future phases of her project include collaborating with the School in Japan, where a similar study of rural depopulation is an example of the Schools Abroad Global Partnerships in Sustainability.
    • Elaine Korzak • Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies • Middlebury Institute
      • Will visit the College to meet with faculty to explore interdisciplinary work in cybersecurity across Middlebury.
    • David Paoli • School in France; Patricia Rodríguez • School in Spain; Jason Martel • TESOL-TFL • Middlebury Institute; Thor Sawin• TESOL-TFL • Middlebury Institute; Kathi Bailey• TESOL-TFL • Middlebury Institute
      • Will develop an online practicum course for Applied MA’s in French and Spanish at Schools Abroad.
  • Second Quarter Objectives and Key Results (Jeff)
    • This is a list of top priorities for the Institute Council’s work, but not an exhaustive list of what the Institute Council will engage this quarter.
    • Objective 1: Increase Chinese T&I Revenue by 50% by adding a third section, matriculating in August 2019
      • This quarter we will focus on making offers to new faculty candidates, admitting and yielding additional students, and signing contracts with vendors to expand our lab capacity.
    • Objective 2: Reduce regular faculty salary expenditure by $1.3M annually
      • This quarter we will focus on communicating contract renewal decisions, securing agreements with the faculty who are accepting ISPs, and developing and implementing a follow-up strategy if our target salary expenditure reduction is not met.
    • Objective 3: Institute new guidelines for language and intercultural competence requirements
      • This quarter we will focus on filling in the curricular details regarding new language offerings, securing recommendations from key stakeholders for curricular proposals, and developing a marketing/recruiting plan for new offerings.
    • Objective 4: Create a new model (organizational structure, strategies, processes) for Enrollment Management
      • This quarter we will focus on meeting the enrollment targets for the Fall 2019 campaign, refreshing recruitment-related website elements, and developing a new template for the 2020 campaign.