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ILG Notes 3.6.19

OPT and other ISSS Issues

(Kathy Foley and Kelly O’Connell)

Kelly and Kathy explained various opportunities for international students to gain work experience during and after their degree programs:  CPT, OPT, and OPT STEM extension.

F-1 students have to be here full time for one full academic year to be eligible for CPT (Curricular practical training)

CPT experience has to be for credit, or required by the program

OPT – work assoc with major area of study – standard OPT = 12 months;

some students may be eligible for 24 month STEM extension

Note: the links above will take you to much more detailed information on these programs.

Important thing to note about OPT STEM extension:

Must be with a company that is an e-verify employer

Position must be directly related to stem eligible degree and there has to be a training plan

12 month and final evaluations must be signed off by employer

This is extra work some some employers may not be willing to do

Takeaway on OPT and OPT extension:  It’s complicated. Admissions, CACS, faculty, and ISSS need to work together to make sure students are getting accurate information, and that they know how to apply it to their individual circumstances.

Takeaway on curricular changes: if we don’t check with ISSS when we make changes in our programs, we risk the ability of our International students to participate


Kim Downs-Burns spoke briefly to reassure the ILG that she and everyone that SFS are working to provide the support needed during Regina’s medical leave.

Coverage plan involves reducing  open hours for cashier’s office to 9-11; however, will be able to take payments in SFS office, open til 5.

More centralization of cashier’s office being considered.

Student Council Report

Stu Co sponsored a forum for all students to discuss new language policy framework; JDJ answered questions submitted in advance; overall, students appreciated opportunity.

Students are seeing these changes conflated with enrollment pressures and financial issues; are planning another forum on questions about budget and financial concerns, sometime in April

Council members met with Laurie — discussed mental health support; importance of support around diversity and inclusion; supporting office of the CDO; restorative justice practices- bringing that concept here.

Students indicated that they would like a  forum in which LS faculty can share their ideas; Students can offer feedback.

Senate Report

Thor reported on a series of meetings in which the Senate has been involved — Jeff Cason, Town Hall, Hannah Ross, Laurie Patton, Faculty Assembly.  

Hannah supported the Senate’s shared governance statement and suggested it should be put forward to apply to all of Middlebury.

Give and take with Council has been positive.

Avner:  Meeting with Laurie was good — she  acknowledged mistakes were made in the ISP — showed empathy with the faculty’s situation.

Interaction with council has been a good example of shared governance — appreciate quick response.

Great deal of anxiety among the language people — in their perception, they view the language framework as creating tension between them and various programs; some programs are “friendly,” some not.

They worry about our commitment to the carve out.

JDJ update

Starting with the positive: We have begun to develop better habits of communication, consultation, and deliberation with Senate and Student Council. Hasn’t solved all our problems, but it could have been worse…

Three different communications that have just gone out or are about to go out.

1)Response to a bullying exchange on facebook

2)  Response to Faculty Senate on Language framework (including a timeline) and morale

3)  Working on follow up communication on ISP questions

Faculty are urged to contact Cathy Vincent about specifics of their situation vis-a-vis ISP