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Faculty Senate 11.13.18

Present: William Arrocha, Avner Cohen (Vice President), Pushpa Iyer, Sabino Morera, Katherine Punteney, Thor Sawin (President)

Absent: Mahmoud Abdalla, Andrea Hofmann-Miller

Staff: Stacie Riley

Faculty Handbook: Thor gave a brief overview on the work being done to update the Faculty Handbook, bringing it in alignment to current practice. Paige Butler is working on this project part-time.

Faculty Evaluation: The language about a proposed vote on faculty evaluation changes was discussed. Draft language will be sent to the faculty for consideration, and an open meeting will be held on November 27th to discuss the resolutions with a ballot going to faculty shortly thereafter.

Faculty Work Force Planning: The Faculty Workforce Planning preliminary plan was discussed with Faculty Senate. Next step is to share with the Council of Program Chairs followed by all faculty.

Mental Health in the Classroom: Pushpa discussed the need for faculty to receive training on how to deal with mental health issues in the classroom.