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Institute Leadership Group 11.7.18

Institute Board of Overseers Briefing
  • The Institute Board of Overseers will be meeting in Monterey Friday, November 16th, and Saturday, November 17th.
  • Some key themes will be the student experience and exploring new revenue pathways.
  • There will be a student experience panel where a group of students will each spend five minutes speaking about their experience at the Institute. Board members will then have breakout meetings with the students.
  • Friday afternoon the board will be meeting with the Faculty Senate and Staff Advisory Team, and then move on to “Staff Chats” for staff members to have a chance to meet with a board member.
  • Saturday morning is the full board business meeting.

Future of Business Education Proposal (Guest: Kent Glenzer)

  • The work to envision the future of business education at the Institute began over a year ago. During this time, the project team has connected with key stakeholders across the organization to develop ideas for offering a robust set of options for the future.
  • The envisioned future of business education aims to target the overlap of key areas that align with Middlebury’s mission and the ability to address the world’s most pressing problems.
  • The current proposals aim to:
    • Enhance business education in our existing residential degrees and retain our reputation in the impact investing, social enterprise, and social impact of business space, and design new products for new kinds of learners.
    • Launch new educational products for (1) undergraduates in the liberal arts, (2) advanced working professionals in private and nonprofit sectors.
    • Explore the launch of a new 36 credit; modularized masters for non-residential, part-time learners.
    • Leverage Middlebury faculty resources across our global campuses
    • Infuse all residential GSIPM degrees with competencies to leverage market forces for good, markets that work for all of us.
  • Sample Programs/Offerings:
    • Continue/Deepen:
      • Sustainability Management Specialization for IEP
      • Frontier Market Scouts Course and Capstone
      • Financial Crimes Specialization
      • M-Force Student Consulting/Learning on Sustainable and Social Enterprise
      • Business Basics in TLM and IEM
    • New Products
      • Business & Global Impact (BGI) course in DPP-Core (Monterey)
      • New Business Basics Summer Bootcamps (Vermont)
      • FMS Advanced Program (DC, SF, Schools Abroad)
      • Undergraduate Business Certificate (Vermont)
      • New Capstone in Business & Global Impact (Monterey)
      • BGI Specialization (Monterey)
      • Modularized Business Impact Masters (Online)
  • The next phase of consideration will take a closer look at the specific figures associated with each option and consider what might be feasible for our future state.

Mental Health at MIIS

  • There have been some concerns raised about the mental health resources available on campus. There are also likely gaps in awareness about what resources are available.
  • The leadership group will collaborate with Ashley Arrocha to gain a fuller understanding of the resources that are currently available, and explore what options might exist on the Middlebury College campus that have potential to be shared (particularly through the center for health and well-being), in order to further the conversation.

Faculty Senate Monthly Update

  • The Faculty Senate continues to focus their work on three key areas: Faculty Governance, Faculty Evaluation, and Faculty Development.
  • They are working to add a new preamble to the faculty handbook, conduct a careful review of the handbook to note where there isn’t alignment with our current practices, and review the rubric for faculty evaluation and bring the consideration of evaluating professional stature together with scholarship to the faculty assembly for a vote.

Student Council Monthly Update

  • Student Council recently had students come to express concerns about the food options at aqua terra and not adhering to the 50/50. It has been clarified that the 50/50 policy is for events and is not meant to be applied to food service.
  • There is concern from NPTS students over some workshops that may not be offered next semester. The NPTS Student Council representative is drafting a memo to the program chair, and Jeff will also discuss the issue with Student Council.