Category Archives: Faculty and Staff
Free Beats Headphones Apple Promotion
Apple Safety Recall
iPad WOW Sale
iPad Pro has arrived!
MCSE Summer Grants – Apply NOW for $3000
Support Local producers. Enjoy Delicious Foods. Shop on YourFarmStand today!
YourFarmstand at Middlebury College is still offering great local foods:
What it is:
YourFarmstand is an online farmers’ market specifically for the Middlebury College community. In one location you can order from over 20 local producers with great selection of local produce, eggs, meat, cheese, bread, coffee, chocolate, tea, honey, pies, granola, and more! All of the produce is wonderful for making local meals, or for bringing home Vt foods to family during breaks. This is a great way to support our local neighbors while enjoying their delicious foods!
How to sign up:
- It’s simple!!! Visit to set up an account linked to a personal credit/debit card.
- Charges cannot be applied directly to college budget codes.
- Make sure you select the Middlebury College market.
- Place your orders by midnight each Monday for pick-up at the Mahaney CFA between 3:30-5:30 every Tuesday. *Orders not picked up by 5:30 are brought to the food bank and no refund is awarded.*
Learn more:
- Sign up to buy produce on the YourFarmstand website
- Stay updated by liking the YourFamstand facebook page
- Read Midd Magazine’s article about YourFarmstand
- Email with any questions
Esme Lutz | Interwoven: Images of Rehwa
M Gallery is pleased to present “Interwoven: Images of Rehwa” a photo-documentary exhibition by Middlebury senior, Esme Lutz. In documenting the work of the Rehwa Society, Emse Lutz has created a body of visually appealing images with which to further awareness of Rehwa and draw attention to organizations that preserve cultural traditions while supporting underprivileged demographics.
Dates: 11.16.2012 – 12.2.2012
Opening: 11.16.2012 | 7-9pm
Contact Cha Tori for more information
MCSE Fall Speaker Series
The Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship hosts a weekly speaker series. The speaker series allows students, staff, faculty, and community members to learn more about the field of social entrepreneurship and engage the topic. The remaining speakers in our fall series include:
Nov 9: Fail, Learn, Iterate: Lessons in Entrepreneurship by Lindsey Franklin ’07
Nov 16: Kenya Library Project by Kennedy Mutothori Mugo ‘12.5
Nov 30: Fighting Hunger in the Coffeelands by Colleen Bramhall ’00
Dec 7: New Leadership for a New World by John McKinley ’04
All talks are held on Fridays, from 12:30pm to 1:30pm in Axinn 219. For more information on the Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship, please visit
Support Addison County Families in Need of Housing
Join the Volunteer Staff of the Charter House Winter Shelter
The Charter House Winter Shelter opened on November 1 and is home to 4 adults and 6 children. There is a critical need for more volunteers to help staff the facility 24/7. Working in pairs, volunteers typically serve 3-4 hour shifts at times of their choosing.
To volunteer
1) Fill out and submit the volunteer form Charter House Volunteer Application
2) Attend a volunteer training. Dates and times for training sessions for new volunteers are listed below. Training takes about 90 minutes.
Saturday, November 10 9:00 am Location: Charter House (27 North Pleasant Street, Middlebury)
Monday, November 12 9:00 am Location: Charter House (27 North Pleasant Street, Middlebury)
Monday, November 12 4:30 p.m. Location: on-campus in Ross B11 (downstairs from Ross Dining Hall)
To learn more or to request alternative training times, please contact Adam Schiff ’15 ( or Anoushka Sinha ’13 (