Author Archives: Supriti Ghosh
MCSE Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Justice
MCSE Fall Speaker Series
The Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship hosts a weekly speaker series. The speaker series allows students, staff, faculty, and community members to learn more about the field of social entrepreneurship and engage the topic. The remaining speakers in our fall series include:
Nov 9: Fail, Learn, Iterate: Lessons in Entrepreneurship by Lindsey Franklin ’07
Nov 16: Kenya Library Project by Kennedy Mutothori Mugo ‘12.5
Nov 30: Fighting Hunger in the Coffeelands by Colleen Bramhall ’00
Dec 7: New Leadership for a New World by John McKinley ’04
All talks are held on Fridays, from 12:30pm to 1:30pm in Axinn 219. For more information on the Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship, please visit
MCSE Summer Grant Recipient Presentations and Friday Talk
Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Learn more at go/mcse or
Summer Grant Recipient Presentations
November 1, 2012 | 4:30 pm | Axinn 229
Join our summer grant recipients as they reflect on their work in the field of social entrepreneurship from Addison County, to Mexico, and Africa.
Leading for Shared Success
Chris Lloyd ’83 (Verizon Communications – Executive Director – Public Policy & Corporate Responsibility)
The role of business in society is changing. Corporations are not focused on just making money. The best corporate citizens view societal challenges as opportunities for business innovation and seek to create value for shareholders and for society.
Chris Lloyd ’83 will share insights regarding how Verizon is connecting its growth strategy to addressing some of society’s critical issues. You may not think of Verizon as a health care or energy company, but Chris will explain Verizon’s “Shared Success” strategy and how the company is using its broadband and wireless technology to enable solutions that improve the quality of health care and enable communities to improve their energy efficiency.
Fellowship Program: Middlebury Center for Social Entrepreneurship
The fellowship will be open to Sophomore Febs, Sophomores, and Junior Febs wanting to engage more intensely with the field of social entrepreneurship. The fellows will become a cohort during their sophomore year and learn collaboratively from each other, be enrolled in a winter term class on social entrepreneurship, integrate theory and practice, and will receive $10,000 to engage in two summers of relevant experiences. Applications can be found at go/mcsefellows. For more information, please see the attached information or contact