Author Archives: cnewbury

Solar Decathlon hosts Atwater Dinner!

Do you wonder what exactlythe Solar Decathlon is all about? Have you been seeing an “InSite” logo around campus and wondered what in the world it was? Have you never even heard of“InSite”? Do you think Self- Reliance is a pretty cool house and you want to be a part of building the next Solar Decathlon entry?

Come find answers to all these questions, or a hungry stomach on Monday December 3rd in Atwater Dining Hall at 6:30! The Middlebury Solar Decathlon Team is hosting a dinner in Atwater Dining hall to spread our project across campus! Please join us for a chance to eat delicious food and learn about a really unique and special project. Whether you have never heard of InSite, the home we are about to begin building, or you have always been curious about the Solar Decathlon, come to Atwater and hear more about it!

Please RSVP to with your name and ID#. Space is limited so please reply by Saturday!


Dear future decathletes!

The Solar Decathlon is a project on campus that involves building and exhibiting a 1,000 sq ft home in Irvine, California next fall for an international competition. The best part is that our home, InSite, will come back to campus and be a resource for our community and housing for students much like Self-Reliance is now. There is a lot to get done between now and next fall and there are countless ways to contribute and be a member of this amazing project. We are so excited by our project and team and want YOU to get involved as well.

Come to an informational meeting on our progress as well as how to get involved on MONDAY the 17TH at 8pm in BIHALL 216. No experience necessary and you definitely don’t have to be in the class to join our team!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The SD13 team