First assignments

Two quick requirements to start the course. First, all students need to take this brief survey to get a sense of your techno-profiles so we can be sure to customize the class to meet your needs & abilities.

Secondly, to help familiarize yourself with blogging and to build a community among the class, your first blogging assignment is to post a brief “techno-biography”: write a biographical account of some way that media technology had a direct impact on you. It can be a specific anecdote, a broader reflection on your technological use, or any other entry that serves to introduce you to your peers and might intersect with themes from our course. By class on Thursday the 14th, each student should read others entries and provide comments on at least two of them.

Additionally, here is the discussion question for Thursday’s readings. You’re expected to respond to readings at least 9 times throughout the semester, so might as well get started now! Just login and post a comment to this entry below:

How do you think Meyrowitz’s three levels of media (content / grammar / environment) apply to the models of literacy explored in Jenkins’s policy paper? How does participation and literacy operate at these different levels?

Intro video

Here’s a copy of the video we’ll watch in Tuesday’s class, and a model for how to embed video in this blog – just type [youtube XXXX] into a post, where XXXX is the specific ID for that video (on YouTube, it follows the “watch=” in the URL). The same works for other video sites like GoogleVideo, Revver, etc.

[youtube 6gmP4nk0EOE]