Are you interested in joining the CCE as a student staff member? SCB is hiring a coordinator for the 2017 – 2018 Academic Year. Chaired by two co-coordinators, the Service Cluster Board is an umbrella organization founded in 2009 to improve the efficiency and efficacy of service groups on campus. SCB coordinators manage the finances and leadership development of SCB leaders and serve as a liaison between student leaders and Student Activities. SCB coordinators work four paid office hours per week in the CCE and run monthly meetings for SCB leaders. Students from any class year and experience level can apply.
Duties of the position include:
- Managing the leadership development and finances of 17 service groups
- Advising the Flex Fund by screening service project proposals and approving monetary allocations
- Working closely with group leaders, Center for Community Engagement staff, and students who are interested in service
- Orchestrating and conducting yearly trainings, monthly meetings, and audits
- Proposing a budget annually on behalf of the 17 service groups before the Finance Committee
It is requested that coordinators serve through Spring 2018, at a minimum.
Apply here: SCB-Coordinator-Application-2017-2018
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the SCB Coordinators at
Please submit the following page and your resume to by Monday, April 10th at 10pm.