Lyris Templates

How to change a Graphic on a Template:

Things to do:

Upload a Graphic to a Web accessible location. The best option I have found is Sandcat. I made a folder in sandcat/comm->htmlemail->~images for us to use for these loose images. For some reason the images uploaded to Drupal will not work.

For this test I put an image for the 61 hockey logo into that folder. The url for the image will be Images can also be added to flickr but I think it more practical to add the images to sandcat.

In the template editing section of Lyris:
I got there by going  to “view content” in the left hand navigation and then clicking on the” create from template” button in the upper-right area of the viewport.

in the “fill in editible regions” tab I click the Manage library button on the left column. A window should pop-up. I wish to add the image to the “advancement” folder so I ensure that that is selected. Then click the “Include Remote Image” on the upper-right of this window. Fill in a title and the image URL. Hit done button.

Drag the image from the library over the image and the image should appear as expected.

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