Replacing Scalia: The Political Dimension

The death today of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is hugely significant in so many ways – legal, political and even cultural – that I hesitate to try to address it in a blog post so soon after his passing. Conservatives lionized him, of course, but even those who disagreed with his ideological leanings recognized […]…Continue Reading Replacing Scalia: The Political Dimension

The “Hypocritic” Oath: What The Roberts Ruling Says About How Courts Function

Professor Murray Dry, my Middlebury colleague and an excellent legal scholar, takes issue with portions of my recent posts regarding the Roberts Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Murray writes, “I want to quibble a bit over your &#……Continue Reading The “Hypocritic” Oath: What The Roberts Ruling Says About How Courts Function