Hot Social Impact Handshake Internships & Jobs

Don’t forget to check out all the internships and jobs being added to Handshake daily. Set up a “Job Alert” to save your searches and be alerted to new ones as they get posted daily or weekly. Below are some of the opportunities that showed up from my Saved Searches this week: Sustainability/Conservation/Renewable Energy/Climate Change […]…Continue Reading Hot Social Impact Handshake Internships & Jobs

Internship Highlight: Cindy Cardona, 2022 – Animal Care Intern at the Niabi Zoo

What surprises you the most about your work experience? I was surprised to see how involved zookeepers are in the lives of the animals they care for. It’s beautiful seeing how developed the relationships between them are. The animals even recognize the zookeepers’ voices, granted it could be because they associate it with food, but […]…Continue Reading Internship Highlight: Cindy Cardona, 2022 – Animal Care Intern at the Niabi Zoo